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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. First Ever Full Blown Aquarium Disease.

    So the last fish inhabitant of my aquarium is about to pass on and after taking a full battery of water parameter test and going with everyone's suggestions on what I thought was a Bristle Worm problem I think the following photographs below would most likely point to some type of water born disease except I'm not expert on marine disease so if you have any thoughts than please chime in. It doesn't seem to affect any of the inverts, clams or corals within the aquarium. Your assistance in advance ...
  2. Water Chemistry Parameters.

    So I had both my Purple Firefish die this morning. So no more adding livestock until I get to the bottom of this. Here are the results of my Salifert test kits. I did however, do a 0.2 gallon water change this morning a few hours prior to testing so I will have to wait until Friday to test again. But I don't think the readings would have been far off.
    • Salinity Grade: 1.025 SG
    • Temperature: 78.0 Fahrenheit
    • Ammonia: 0 ppm
    • Nitrite: 0 ppm
    • Nitrate: 5 ppm
    • pH: 8.0 pH
    • Alkalinity: 11.18
  3. Possible Bristleworm Infestation.

    So I started out with an aquarium that was loaded with fish but I noticed a few started to die off for no apparent reason. All of my Green Chromis have disappeared. I snail gone and I am only left with 2 Purple Firefish, 1 Clownfish a two Zebra hermit Crabs, 1 Sand Sifting Cucumber and thankfully all 4 of my shrimp. Will I took a look at the tank in the evening and noticed these little guys... Bristle Worms. One that was exceeding 3 inches long. Top that with an algae bloom that made my beautiful ...
  4. Peppermint Shrimp for Aptasia Control?

    After picking up some free live rock from a fellow reef keeper I noticed some Apstasia Anemones sprouted in various spots. Rather then rely on chemical to deal wit them I would like to add a Peppermint Shrimp to deal with this issue naturally. I already have 2 Cleaner Shrimp and I have read various stories of the Cleaner Shrimp killing the Peppermint Shrimp. Is this a normal incompatibility that I need to be concerned with and that maybe I should go the route of Berghia Nudibranchs? Any thoughts ...
  5. Disaster Averted... Slightly.

    Okay, so here is a little update regarding the fish. Everything inside is currently doing well. Right out of the hospital my wife took me to a local fish store to purchase an additional cartridge of Nitrate absorbing media. We came home and I immediately did another small Dixie cup water change. Took the Fluval G3 Canister Filter offline to replace the Activate Carbon cartridge with the Tri-Waste removal cartridge (Ammonia, Nitrate and Activated Carbon). After about an hour everyone resumed ...
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