Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Nice entry! Thanks for sharing it.
  2. melev's Avatar
    It sounds naughty. LOL
  3. Trido's Avatar
    Interesting. How would that sound as a job title? "I'm a snail milker"
  4. seapug's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Huh. I've seen stuff kill other stuff with their paralyzing toxins, but never considered it might be useful for humans.
    Yeah, I think it's sorta based in the same science as using Capsacin (sp?) from hot peppers as an anaesthetic.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Huh. I've seen stuff kill other stuff with their paralyzing toxins, but never considered it might be useful for humans.
  6. seapug's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mockery
    What exactly is the zeo method? Seen it talked about don't really understand it. What are the pros and cons?
    Zeo method involves using a bacterial and trace element additives in combination with Zeolith media (highly porous mineral stones that are populated by beneficial bacteria) to create an ultra low nutrient environment. When done correctly it results in incredible colors and growth of corals. Downside is that it requires careful monitoring and purchasing some relatively pricey additives and can cause tissue recession if done carelessly. You can learn more and see pictures at Zeovit is one name brand system but I will be using the Brightwell Aquatics Neo Zeo system because the supplements are easier to find (basically the same idea, though).
  7. Mockery's Avatar
    What exactly is the zeo method? Seen it talked about don't really understand it. What are the pros and cons?