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Tank Entry

  1. Powerless - once more

    The power went out 1 hour and 20 minutes ago. So my generator is running instead. Gotta keep my reef happy and my internet connection live.
    Tank Entry , ‎ Electrical
  2. Gone Fishin'

    Gone Fishin'

    Well, after about a week of having some new Tierra Anthias fish in my tank, the male anthias has turned out to be a bully. He chases my other fish, almost all of them, away from 'his side' of the tank. This include the female anthias, blue/green chromis, leopard wrasse, and others. He killed one of the female tierras due to harassment, and also a new Evansi anthias that I added to test out mixing the two. I decided this joker was going to have to be removed. I did ...
    Tank Entry
  3. Crow's 300+

    I went and bought a bunch of fish today, Here is the front tank shot after adding like 16 fish. lol can you see them?! :P

  4. Working on my 280g this week

    Two nights ago, I was tinkering in my reef a little, as the cyano on the substrate was getting too close to some livestock. I didn't do much more than use a long handled scraper to peel the cyano mat away from some stuff. However, the next day the prettier of my two maximas was dead - the shell was completely empty.

    One of the BTAs lives under my shelving Acropora plana, and occasionally gets snagged on some of the dead branches. I've intentionally left them in place ...
    Tank Entry
  5. ricordea florida questions

    once a week i feed my fish some raw shrimp from the supermarket, because they seem to like it and it gives some variation in diet. Today, however, my ricordea florida caught a large piece in its disc and pushed towards its mouth and is consuming it. My questions are 1) is this a bad thing and should i try and avoid this because I have read that they only eat very small plankton and 2) is this a good thing and should i now target feed this shrimp to my ricordea once in a while. I have many ricordea ...

    Updated 05-02-2010 at 09:59 PM by melev

    Tank Entry