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  1. My Canopy Build

    I sold my T5s and decided to go back to MHs. I didn't want a fixture, so I would need a canopy. I decided to make my own to save some money. Although in the end I probably spent just as much as if I would have had bought a canopy, I feel the project contributed to a skill I would like to further develop, carpentry. Not to mention the sense of accomplishment that you get from completing the project.

    While you look at the pictures remember, this is my first ever carpentry project. It's ...

    Updated 04-30-2010 at 11:40 PM by melev

    DIY projects
  2. breeding behaviour of Yellow tangs

  3. Substrate?

    I just bought some dry base rock from Reef Cleaners. Awsome looking stuff. I plan to add about 40# of live rock to the 200# of dry base rock...and take the time to seed/grow my own.

    I asked them for suggestions on where to get substrate. They said to get Southdown from Home Depot, or visit local landscape companies to buy a yard of sand. I am sure people do this, but what are everyones' thoughts? I would obviously seed my sand with live sand from my existing tank.

    Melev, ...
  4. Good Deal!

    I ran across this deal on Craigs list and thought it was a good deal. I wish I could get it, but not at this time. Check it out!
  5. Euro Reef Owners

    Some of you may or may not have heard the break apart of Euro Reef. The company actually split into two companys one of which is supporting the nano scene and the other "Reef Dynamics" the larger equipment.

    If you need support for any Euro Reef products, is supporting them. Not all, but the common parts needed.

    I have a RS250 Euro Reef that is being brought back to life, so I thought to share this tid-bit with everyone.
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