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  1. 265 Gallons - here we go.

    Alright so I bought a used 265 gal tank... there are days that I wonder what the heck was I thinking? as if my life wasn't complicated enough. I'm a mom, wife, home owner, and operations manger to a multi-million dollar company, lets throw in a very complicated hobby. So let me show you guys the tank. [IMG][/IMG][IMG]
    so as you can see its already drilled... but that's a pretty big hole.... when I first noticed this ...
    Tank Entry
  2. Need powah!

    Last night some storms blew through Fort Worth, and it rained. We had some hail, but nothing exciting. Around 4 a.m., the power went out. All my UPS (uninterrupted power supplies) chirped and beeped and bugged me, but I figured it would come on again soon. I tried to sleep through it, but then I heard the 215g slurping as it doesn't have anti-siphon holes, and the frag tank drained down about a third as well.

    Rolling out of bed, I closed the ball valves to the pumps and flipped ...
    Tank Entry
  3. Not dead, just really really really busy!

    by , 05-30-2012 at 01:48 PM (T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank))
    Wow, it has been ages since I've posted here!

    We JUST sorted our issues with the city finally after over a year. I ended up taping boxes of the approximate size and placement to my walls where the city was insiting on placing moved meters, then I videotaped my dogs walking in the hallway, people, myself on crutches, and then a pregnant friend, then sent it to the city and asked why they were insistent on unsafe placement. You couldn't go past safely with crutches and my pregnant friend ...
  4. Dart pumps, repaired once more

    I like the Sequence Dart pumps, but like anything they too need to be repaired as parts give out over time. I looked at the twin pumps that run 24 hours a day, and was surprised to see salt creep and crusty stuff amassing in their vicinity. Yuck!

    I called up the people at and they shipped me out new seals and four new bearings. When you have the pump pulled part for the seals, it's only a little ...
    Plumbing , ‎ Equipment
  5. Look what i found on You Tube

    this guy has a rocking tank he claims to do 95% water changes each month and all at one time, sounds crazy but hees keeping a morish idol and his corals have crazy color so he must be doing something right
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