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  1. Photos

    How do I move photos from Photo shop To Reef Addicts without going to photobucket or youtube?
  2. Thanks Marc

    I just would like to say, Thank you for you Presentation on photography here at BRS_Meeting. I did actually get allot out of it.

    If any of you out there have a chance to go see Marc, do it!

    Well, anywho, it was a good time. I wish I could of went with you guys after the meeting but I had a long ride home and had to take care of my dogs.

    I posted some of the pictures of the meeting if you want to check them out.
  3. A testament of life.......

    So I have a 10g tank, in my soon to be fish room, with some old substright, a bio wheel backpack filter and a light. The tank temp is below 60 degrees and the salinity is at 1.023. The light stays on for about an hour a day and has some natural light for the rest of the day. It has been running like this for about a month.

    The first few weeks there was no life at all. Then I saw some small snails moving around the sandbed. A few weeks later I found a small pure white aptaisa and ...
    Tank Entry
  4. My new sump is under construction

    I'm about to fly out to Boston to speak to the club there tomorrow, but wanted to give you a quick update. All pictures are from my iPhone.

    Got more plumbing parts in at last.

    I started on my new sump. It is 58" x 31.5" x 17" and made with 3/8" AcryLite GP.

    Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
  5. Need a new tank.....What and where should I get it?

    So I got a used 75gallon acrylic tank that didn't work out (Hey it could be worse!!) I got other goodies that all work so I'm still good with it. I now find myself in the market as it were, And Ive been looking around and I'm going glass. was the main place I was looking (unless anyone has a better suggestion) The 2 tanks I was looking at were a 65gal 48x18x17tall base price 149$ with Starphire an 3 sides, overflow, cover for overflow (35$ do I need this?) and bulkheads (30$ can I ...

    Updated 01-13-2011 at 11:14 PM by melev

    Questions - Need some input