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Calcium Reactor input

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Hey I am putting this list together for Xmas and I am looking at to different calcium reactors and need some input:

and also this one

I have never had a calcium reactor before, so I can't begin to say which is more worth their value.

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  1. Reggie's Avatar
  2. ex-neo's Avatar
    video of my Schuran jetsream with custom 2nd chamber
    my 2 cents about cal rx :
    Do get a unit with 2 Chambers=i have installed both diy units and expensive
    all about the same imo
    Do check all connections,twice=lots of things can leak

    Do get the Regulator from
    you will make yourself mad trying to get a constant proper bubble count
    using the extra kool regulator from aq.plants will allow you to sleep at night
    you just count and adjust flashing light,no bubble counter

    Do change media regularly=always use large media for best results
  3. Turbosek's Avatar
    get the aquariumplants regulator. get the aquariumplants regulator. get the aquariumplants regulator. oh, did I mention, get the aquariumplants regulator.