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2011 is here, and I'm still ordering new stuff

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Today, the package from EzTube arrived. I'll be able to get the light rack built soon, as well as install its suspension kit above.

Now that Savko is open for business again, I placed my order for all my plumbing needs. I still need to find 10' of 1.5" black spaflex, if any of you happen to have a source. They were all out.

I placed the order (acrylic) for my new sump, which will arrive tomorrow. I think I'll be building sumps all week for everyone.

Two backs of vinyl-based concrete mix was purchased to try to level out the area under the tank, with the goal of sloping it slightly toward the french drain. It just isn't right yet, and I want to improve the situation.

Over the weekend, I got the garage side of the fishroom walls sheetrocked, taped and bedded. If I have time this week, I'll get it finished and painted so I can start leaning everything up against those walls and get more space to work. The door to the fishroom has been reversed, which makes entering the fishroom from the hallway much nicer.

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  1. Zmckenzie's Avatar
    How exciting!
  2. David W's Avatar
    That's good how much longer should it be till you can add livestock again. I was also wondering if you were using all live rock or dry rock and liverock.
  3. rarelyseriousb's Avatar
  4. melev's Avatar
    I have a 55g barrel about 75% full of LR that I'll be using. It's been in there for 5 months.
  5. Reefski's Avatar

    why black?
  6. Reefski's Avatar
    i couldn't see the post above. it is in a red that is very hard to read until i highlighted it.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Yes, that is a flaw in the color scheme of the site. If we change it to a light color, then the links on the right side of the screen are too light to read. It's a trade off. I always bold the links on my comments to help make them more visible.

    Thanks for the link, rarely.
  8. mr. fix it's Avatar
    rome wasn't built in a day, right. but it sounds like you'er making great progress. it's so cool to see and hear how things are progressing. i know this will be the ultmate set up when you'er done. have you worked out a design for the new sump. have you ever used pvc-dwv fittings like long turn 90's to reduce the flow loss, i'm thinking about using them on my new tank plumbing. hopfuly reduce some of the head pressure from the return pump.
  9. rarelyseriousb's Avatar
    np. glad I could contribute even from this far away. If you decide to place an order i could now say I helped with the build. lol
  10. melev's Avatar
    I did place an order, so you can say that now.

    I don't have any long turn 90s in this layout, but I do think it is pretty streamlined. I think it will be easy to understand and follow, and there is a little room for redundancy that my last tank didn't have.

    Today is exactly 6 months since I broke down the 280g, and with the coral losses I've endured, I'm saddened. I lost some big pieces, and feel like I'm almost setting up a reef from scratch now. Oh well, I'll just have to go with what I got and then shop for some new pieces. The system will definitely be designed to support life, but it's going to have to be new life instead of what I had.

    I noticed my little mandarin that I've had since Dec 2005 was in the return section of my sump three weeks ago. She was in a 100g vat with all LPS corals and rock since the breakdown and was doing great. I saw her again yesterday and she looked completely starved. I shouldn't have left her in the return zone, but at the time I didn't have the ability to catch her amidst all the equipment, anemones, and other corals. I scooped her out and dropped her back in the 100g vat but don't have high hopes for her recovery. What a shame.
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Marc, while it's always sad to loose a specimen, especially one you've had for a long time, think on the positive side. Think of all those corals you had to pass up because they wouldn't fit in with your old livestock. Think of all the cool new stuff you can get now. Personally, I love starting a new tank from scratch. It can go any way you want with few limitations.