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Goodbye Finger Leather

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Well I switched lights a couple months back from a 150W hanging pendant to a 150W fixture with legs so about 8" closer to the tanks surface. On top of that the old bulb was wicked old. Knowing it was a new bulb, closer to the surface, i assumed it would be a shock to all the corals so i adjusted my photoperiod accordingly. Most of my corals adjusted fine, except for my finger leather which blacked over. I know they shed the outer layer but apparently it just never recovered because this is what it looks like today.
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Name:	2011-01-09_14-51-17_479.jpg
Views:	156
Size:	89.7 KB
ID:	3677

It was covered by a mass of caulerpa so i removed the rock the leathers were attached too, but there is still some of this left in the tank. I am in the process of removing it all. Kinda sad i really liked those finger leathers.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    It's completely gone. You can't even tell it was a leather; the thumbnail looked like a sponge initially.
  2. NEReef's Avatar
    Ya its just a bunch of little needle like things now. I sucked as many of them up as i could. I don't want to foul my water any more then it already has been.
  3. jonbear's Avatar
    i added Bio Pellets to my tank and my big leather turned grey. hoping it was just molting i watched it over two weeks almost get back to the right color then it slit open and sprayed white innerds all over... I would have thought leathers would cope better than most corals. Guess not...
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    My finger leathers have been slowly shrinking since I upgraded my lighting over a year ago. They don't seem to like clean bright tanks much.

    Those little needles are the calcium rods that leathers form as a sort of skeleton. they won't pollute the tank at this point.
