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Thinking about a skimmer.

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Hey All
I am starting to put together a plan for my next step which will be a sump and skimmer and would appreciate any input you might have. For those of you who did not see my other posts i have converted my 108gal fresh water tank to salt water. It is going decent so far and i will try to do a tank update soon.

First off as for a sump i was thinking of building one based off of Marcs' website but when i called about acrylic my local supplier only carried the brands Plexi and Lexan and for a 4 by 8 sheet 1/4 thick of the lexan it was going to to cost me $355.00 plus tax. So first question i have is acrylic that expensive everywhere? Oh and for what i was thinking of doing i would need 2 sheets. If i can not build a sump for much less i think i am going to just get a 40gal wide tank and make it into a sump. I wont get what i want but i can't see spending 800+ to build a sump.

Second question is does anyone have any suggestions on a skimmer?
What i am looking hard at right now is this and it seems to of had decent reviews and the price is great from what i have seen for skimmers.

Thanks for the advice.

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  1. fewjr's Avatar
    From what I know, I don't think you want to fool with Lexan. Thats another whole beast. It is the bullet proof stuff. I guess it could be used if it was on hand, but you want acrylic. I think Marc mentions a brand of acrylic called Acrylite or something like that on Meleev's Reef. I can't remember what you bond Lexan with anymore without doing a Here is that brand over at US Plastics :
  2. 1AaronTravels's Avatar

    Just fyi, I believe that Petco is still running there Dollar a gallon for tank Sales. Maybe check that out. My Local HD didnt sell Acrylic but, Lowes did carry it. Also, always check out Craigslist for your area, sometime you can find a tank there as well.

    Best of luck, Aaron
  3. marks69's Avatar
    i have the nac 7 on my 110. pulls a fair amount out, quiet. my impeller shattered the other day for no reason, but it does come with a spare, they are picky on the water level though.
  4. David W's Avatar
    I have heard good things about the Aqua Maxx Protein skimmers, and the Octopus Reef skimmers. I am going to order a Octopus 150 for my 55 gallon reef. You can find these skimmers at That is a good site you should check it out. Good Luck!
  5. Heathd's Avatar
    I have a reef octopus and my 75 and I love it, it pulls out some seriously nasty crap. Got it from bulk reef supply.

    As far as acrylic goes, a full sheet of quarter inch cell cast acrylic should cost about 80-100 bucks. Check the web for a local plastic and glass supplier.
  6. melev's Avatar
    That's a terrible price for acrylic. I get full sheets of 1/4" AcryLite FF delivered for about $110. If you want a sump that is big enough that needs two sheets, you need to think about using 3/8". For me, that's around $180 a sheet. I noticed on the USPlastics link that a full sheet of 1/4" was $195. OUCH! Shipping has to be extra.

    That seems like a great price for the Bubble Magnus. Maybe I'll buy four for my new tank. LOL
  7. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Ya US Plastics is outragous, I live less than 10 miles from them and I can get it 100-150 cheaper for a full sheet if I travel an hour south.
  8. fewjr's Avatar
    The USPlastics link was just for show and tell. That is expensive!

    Speaking of protein skimmers, how long should you expect it to take to break in? I'm sure one might be different from another, but what would be the longest you would wait before you decided a skimmer is efficient or not? Its been eight days since I started using the Eshoppes Hang-on PSK-75H and I'm not getting anything yet. I was getting at least something with the little JBJ skimmer that I got with my Nanocube.

  9. melev's Avatar
    Have you contacted eshopps yet for assistance? 8 days should start seeing results.
  10. Cagey's Avatar
    ASM skimmers will giv ethe mostfor the money. Time and experience have their advantages. Read the reviews at Marine Depot. I use a G-3 going strong now for a year. Simple to use Plug and Play.
  11. melev's Avatar
    However, ASM is long gone and out of business. You can still get some of their skimmers and others may carry their pumps, but it's getting tougher to find them. I had a ASM-G3 with their modified Sedra pump and it wasn't impressive. I relegated it to use for skimming my live rock vat, and later lent it to a friend. I never even got it back, and it's been well over a year.
  12. Tbeau's Avatar
    Just got a pm redline 200 which is runningon my75. BUT bought it for a 120. Gallon It is quiet and works well. But cost 250. Slightly used.
  13. fewjr's Avatar
    Well yes I did contact them 6 days ago and they told me it could take up to 2 weeks to break in and stop producing micro bubbles. That sounds kind of long to me. One thing I may be doing wrong is how high I have the water level. The skimmer has a knob you can turn to adjust the level. When i first started it up it sucked my rear sump dry and overflowed on the floor through the skim mate cup. I was told to keep it at the minimum level for awhile until it breaks in. The instructions aren't very good. Starting to wish I'd gotten a different one.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Okay, take a picture of your skimmer so we can see it in use. You can raise the water level some. Make TINY incremental changes to how much water comes out. For my Euroreef, a small twist of the gate valve (1" to the right) can make a big difference. You have to fine tune it as you get more familiar with how it works.
  15. mr. fix it's Avatar
    I replaced my ASM G-2 skimmer about 6 months ago because it just didn't seem like it was producing very much skimmate., eventhough i have a very light bio load. i bought a red sea octpus through, what a difference. the red sea will produce about 3 times as much skimmate as the ASM did. i was amazed, now i have to empty the cup about every 2-3 days compaired to maybe once a week to ten days with the ASM. i've been very happy with the price and delivery with everything i've bought from marine depot. by the way did i mention a have a used ASM skimmer for sale, HeHe.
  16. Mustang's Avatar
    Thanks for the input all. Thanks for the offer Mr. Fix it but i think i am going to go with the NAC6. I was doing a random search and found an out fit here in Canada that has them and too my surprise it was on sale for 139.99 Canadian. So i just just jumped on it and should have it on my door step by Friday for $174.93 after tax and shipping. Wooo HOOOO !!!!!!!!! Oh and it looks like they may be a good source for all my acrylic/plumbing needs down the road. Oh and i found a 20gal tank (free) the other day and installed some baffles so that i can get the skimmer running. After i have some more time i will plan out a proper sump with all the goodies.
    ps the place i am getting it from is