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Starting over with my tank!

February Full Tank Shot (FTS)

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Let's see your FTS for February!!!

Here's mine.

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    I just dropped a power head into the sand removing my smaller one for the 20L.... when it clears up I'll take one lol
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    looking pretty good
  3. adam's Avatar
    Can't figure out how to insert a image.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Okay Dread, waiting. ;-)

    thanks DJ

    Adam, they have a little picture frame on top, click it and they will have a pop-up, put URL from ya picture. When you reply to a blog you need a service like photo bucket. When you are the creator of the blog you can just upload a pic directly to RA.

    Hope I explained it good. ;-)
  5. adam's Avatar
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Adam, your tank is beautiful! Nice selection of corals. ;-)
  7. melev's Avatar
    Finally I get to participate for real. Thanks for keeping this tradition going every month, Hat.

  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    You're welcome Marc! ;-)
  9. Sam11909's Avatar
    7.5g cube FTS for febuary

  10. melev's Avatar
    Nice little cube, Sam.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    I like the different colors of your corals Sam. Very clean setup. ;-)
  12. Sam11909's Avatar
    Thanks for the compliments!
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Come on Reef Addicts, let's see your Full Tank Shot for February!!! ;-)
  14. agsansoo's Avatar
    If anything, this thread makes me scrape off my glass once a month ... LOL
  15. melev's Avatar
    Hurry up and do so, then post a picture.
  16. agsansoo's Avatar
    Ok I need to scrape some more LOL .... Oh well I'm talking the wife into a upgrade here real soon.

  17. melev's Avatar
    Looks good. I see you have a few dominant species in your reef tank.
  18. agsansoo's Avatar
    Thanks ! Yeah, but they all get along very well. My coral beauty angel and my female maroon are the tank bullies.
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Agsansoo, your tank looks awesome! That Monti is beautiful too. I have been thinking about getting a coral beauty or a flame angel. Do you thing they would be good in my tank (one of them)? Would they eat my coral? Thanks for the info. I want that colors that they have in my tank. ;-)
  20. agsansoo's Avatar
    Thanks Hat ! I have two angles in my tank. A coral beauty and a bicolor angel. The bicolor angel is my favorite fish. He's a little nipper though. Both of these fish don't harm my corals. They just nip every now and then. If you get an angelfish, make sure it's a very young/small one. Hopefully they will learn to eat what you feed them, and not on the coral around in the tank. At least that's what I've been told.
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