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Updates on the 150

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Not much progress on the 150 build due to some changes in my life recently. But here's some updates.

First, here's a shot of the brace in the center of the tank. I can't seem to eliminate the cloudyness, I'm even tried polishing it out with Flitz with no effect. It's about 2' wide so I'm always going to have a lower light area in the center of this tank.

I ordered a pair of overflow kits from They're shown below, both are rated for 700 gph, so between them they should allow for plenty of flow through the sump.

I think I'm going to start calling this the Craig's list build. I got the stuff below off craig's list as well as the tank its self. The skimmer is an Euro Reef and came with a pair of Sedra pumps, tho the seller says that one of them isn't working reliably any more.

Also got 120 lbs of dry rock, which looks to be about enough when combined with a bit of live rock to seed it.

And a box full of misc. parts, including the Sedra pumps for the skimmer and ozonator.

Unfortunately, I was laid off last week. So this project is on hold till I have a steady income again. In the mean time I'll be moving my 50 gal tank home from the office lobby soon. I have an old 55 gal I'm not using, so I'm going to put one of the overflow kits intended for the 150 in it. I'll get it set up and ready to go before bringing the rocks and livestock home.

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    yuck. Just keep your chin up though... the last time I got laid off it was the best thing that happened to me, had a better job with more opportunities in like less then 2 months
  2. Jaxom's Avatar
    Sorry about the setback Phil, I'm sure it will be behind you like the landing strip you departed on in your video in no time. That tank's going to be looking good with the rock you have going in, looking forward to following the progress.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Thanks guys, I've been telling everyone that my goal is to look back on this a year from now and say it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've already got a couple posibilities, and I'm in good shape financially for a while, but don't want to spend anything extra right now.
  4. dahenley's Avatar
    55s are usually tempered on all sides... regardless of what some sites say......
    just an heads up.
  5. dread240's Avatar
    yea, you'll be fine, got a good head on your shoulders.... for an x-man (still say that is a pic of wolverine in your avatar)
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I cant 2nd that on the tempered 55gal's. Sorry to hear about your set back Phil, being in the union trades lay offs were just part of life but i can say that i never looked behind and something better or something that open a door to better always came along.
  7. DJ in WV's Avatar
    wonder if that clr stuff off tv would work on that center section
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Dahenley, thanks for the warning. If that's even a possibility I'll just swap the hang on siphon box I'm using over. I don't want to risk not having a tank ready to go when the livestock arrives.

    DJ what clr stuff? I haven't had TV for about 5 years now.

    dread, I'll have to have my hair styalist try to fasion horns next time I see her.
  9. DJ in WV's Avatar
    it some miracle stuff that removes hard water stains I got a a old 20 gal long sump that looks like your cross member ill try to pick some up and see if works to day
  10. Midnight's Avatar
    Phil, sorry to hear about the job. Is that center brace glass? Looks like plexi. anyways once the project gets moving, or if you get bored, just replace that piece with a new piece of glass, That or replace the one brace with two smaller braces at the thirds marks.
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Midnight, the center brace is 1/2" glass.
  12. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    I have that pane of glass in the middle of my tank as well. even if it was clear it'll get cloudy with salt creep in no time, I can't keep clean, however the montipora I have under that pane gets better growth then any other SPS in my tank.
  13. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Oh and if you have the time you can polish the glass with cerium oxide. It comes in different grits and depending on the severity of the scratches or if it's just water stains you can polish them out with the fine grit.
  14. DJ in WV's Avatar
    how deep and wide are the teeth on those overflow boxes phil