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New to Saltwater Reading/Articles

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This was a post I put together for my local fish club. Thought it was worth a blog post. If you guys know of a few more articles that should be mentioned, post them in the comments below!

Hey guys,

I wanted to put together this "New to Saltwater" topic so that we could link people interested in starting a tank to this single topic with tons of information. I'm going to start it off with several statements and articles.

The best place to begin is with the end in mind. So that's the first step. Let's find out what kind of system you want to keep. Fish only, Fish and Invertebrate with Live Rock or Full Reef with corals ect. Let me run you through some pros and cons.

Fish Only - Cheapest setup. Biological filtration is more difficult because of the absence of live rock. Isn't as awe inspiring.
Extra Reading on Fish Only: Fish Only Setup
Fish Only Setup Checklist

Fish and Invertebrates Only with Live Rock - Live Rock makes biological filtration easier. More natural looking than Fish Only. Once you have seen a reef setup with corals the rock looks naked, not as amazing.
Extra Reading on FI/WLR: FI/WLR Setup

Full Reef Setup - More expensive. Addicting! (you can think of that as either a pro or a con... depending upon if you're married! Lol) Awe inspiring.
Extra Reading on Reef Setups: Introduction to Reef
Reef System Setup
Reef Filtration
Invertibrate Lighting Note: Corals are Invertebrates
Coral Lighting
Reef Livestock

Nano Tank Articles (less than 30 gallons)
Small Marine Systems
Small Marine Livestocking
Nano Reef Systems

General Marine Articles:
Water for Marine Use
Water Quality
Frequent Partial Water Changes
Marine Maintenance
Marine Scavengers
Macro-Algae in Marine Aquariums
Food and Nutrition for Marine Aquariums

Alright guys (and gals), post more suggested reading for people who are new to saltwater, or new to reef and reefkeeping.

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