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Crab - Judgment Day

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I have been watching a black crab, that looks and acts like an emerald crab. His claws are white and flat on the tips (like an emerald crab) but seem to be a bit more "serrated" on the inside in the arch. I have not witnessed any mischievous behavior but I wanted to see what judgment should be cast on the guy. Should let him stay in the display or IF I can catch him (and that s a big IF) should I banish him to the sump?

I have a video of him from last night.


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Updated 04-14-2011 at 11:39 AM by gist41980 (I always forget to categorize on the first go around!!)

Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions , ‎ Questions - Need some input


  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Leave him in, looks harmless.
  2. Jessy's Avatar

    If it looks like this it is a gorrilla crab (type) which is not good. But I'm actually a proponent of no crab is a safe crab. So I'd get it out if you could
  3. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Oh that rock would soooo be out on the floor and sprayed with fresh water, he'll leave. Then a skewer thru its skull and into the toilet. I've banished over 50 this way.
  4. gist41980's Avatar
    Jessy,I am pretty sure it is not a gorilla crab, thankfully.
    Blown76mav, it seems that you are quite the crab slayer!
    I think to be on the safe side I will try to catch it and put it in the comfy confines of the refugium.
  5. Heathd's Avatar
    All crabs are opportunist and at a minimum a potential trouble maker. Unless its a mithrax (i doubt it is), I would pull it, but it looks like you are already making a wise decision by shoving him in the fuge.