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MB7 and Cyano.

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Interested in your opinion on this.
I've seen it happen in two tanks where the first tank was struggling with HA and I suggested to the owner to dose MB7 to deal with it. It did take care of the HA after the loading period and a couple of weeks at the weekly dose dose. few weeks later at the weekly dose Cyano appeared and didn't stop even with syphoning and additional MB7 dosing.
LAter on he used Zeobac, Zeozyme and KZ coral snow and after few weeks cyano was gone.
Tank is 210G 1.5 yrs old with Deltec skimmer TC2060 and Deltec PO4 reactor and weekly 10% water change, decent flow (couple of MP40s and 2additional chinese wavemakers doinga decent job.
2nd tank is a 200 G tank with the same skimmer and Phosphate reactor with initally 2 Tunze 6105 and now 3. had a bit of cyano on the glass since months, MB7 took care of it initially but a couple of weeks in the maintenance dose and the cyano was back and now on many rocks and corals.
Is there any relationship or something I'm missing with MB7 that could lead to fueling Cyano somehow? The way I understand it is that these are 2 bacteria that theoratically should compete for the same nutrients?
Appreciate any input on this.

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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    well I havent used any of those products but hair algae isnt a bacteria. Hair algae is going to be fueled by phosphates, NO2,NO3 where the bacteria wouldnt need phosphates to bloom.
  2. maroun.c's Avatar
    Its Cyano not hair algae that both tanks are having.
    advised them to use MB7 I guess also helps with denitrification.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    sorry saw ha in the being of the post thought you were referring to it and the cyano competing. I did some reading and found that some are backing the mb7 with vodka to get enhanced benefits from it. Sorry again didnt realize it was a bacteria additive. Ill keep my mouth shut next time
  4. melev's Avatar
    I have read a lot of threads about the premise that dosing MB7 will reduce cyano. I've not seen this happen personally. However, I have commented on cyano issues, written articles and spoken on the topic often. It sounds like in your case (or that of your friends) it isn't curing it.

    Cyano bacteria is just that - bacteria. It is completely natural and exists in our tanks unseen. However, when it blooms we hate it. Here's the full write up, and I hope it helps.
  5. maroun.c's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ in WV
    sorry saw ha in the being of the post thought you were referring to it and the cyano competing. I did some reading and found that some are backing the mb7 with vodka to get enhanced benefits from it. Sorry again didnt realize it was a bacteria additive. Ill keep my mouth shut next time
    No worries
  6. maroun.c's Avatar
    Thanks Marc.
    Nice article.