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Macro Madness

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Over the past two days, I've been shooting with my 105mm Macro lens. Here are the results.

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  1. matt_longview's Avatar
    Gorgeous pics Marc! Great pics of some great corals. :-)

    Is the pic above the chalice (which is stunning by the way) a pearlberry acro?
  2. Reefski's Avatar
    great photos! canon or nikon? additional flash or tank lights only? ISO level, tripod with photobox or handheld? what kind of post processing do you do?
  3. melev's Avatar
    I do have a Pearlberry, but it's all browned out and I didn't take a picture of it. I don't have high hopes for it.

    I shot with a Nikon D90 with the 105mm AF-S f2.8 macro lens. I left my tripod in Arkansas, so I had to shoot freehand. I pressed the lens against the tank's glass to keep it steady. ISO varied, but it varied from 200 to 560. The top down views were shot via photobox.

    All the images were offloaded into my PC and then cropped in Lightroom. I add a little black to every image because that usually makes them look better. Lightroom resizes them, adds the watermark, and then they were reopened in Photoshop 7 where I adjusted the levels of RGB to make them less hazy. The steps I use in Photoshop are explained on this page:
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Great shots Marc, tank is looking great
  5. OneReef's Avatar
    Very nice. I really like the Birds of Paradise pic. You do some great closeup work.