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MACNA Des Moines, Iowa - Sept 9, 10 and 11

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Rather than worry about the remote possibility that the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S will have any impact my life next month, I just booked my flight for MACNA 23!!! I hope you guys are also gearing up to attend with me, because we are going to be a'drinkin' for sure. If you've not heard me talk about how great MACNA is in the past, google "melev +macna" and I'm sure you'll get all kinds of cool links full of MACNA treasure to peruse. I just checked and got About 11,100 results(0.26 seconds) which only proves how much of a MACNA Whore I am.

Two of my buddies are flying with me to Chicago, and we will drive from there to Des Moines. Road trips are fun; I like it! My round trip flight cost is $134, amazingly enough. I'll still have luggage, parking fees, and other expenses, but who cares? It's MACNA!!!

If you want to know more about this upcoming event, go to to get all the latest information.

Btw... I did a little behind-the-scenes work on RA today, and removed the most-annoying "Share Image" feature our wibiya social bar plagued us with. I should have done that many moons ago. You still have all the cool perks at your disposal, such as the ability to Translate the current page, Like via Facebook / Google+, Tweet, or outright Share via six possible options. Jessy has our Photos feature connected to the ReefAddicts Flickr account, overflowing with some of the best saltwater photography you've ever seen. The Chat window allows y'all to yak it up if you like, using your FB login for example. It's a social playground for our members, allowing you to let friends know what you like about this place.

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  1. yankieman's Avatar
    Hi Marc my wife and I are attending and I look forward to hearing you speak ,,
  2. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Yeah, that share pic thing was annoying, but I really like a lot of the other plugins. It's a great site IMO.
  3. Johnny C's Avatar
    "Macna Whore"... I like that.
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    Just booked my ticket to arrive Sept 8th! Spent $309 but it will be well worth it. I always always have fun at MACNA.
  5. ransomed4ever's Avatar
    I'm lucky I don't have to fly. Got a 4 1/2 hour drive to my parents' just south of Des Moines, so I got a free place to stay too. Plus I can kill 2 birds with one stone, see family and go to MACNA.
  6. melev's Avatar
    That's great. Now let's do something about your aiptasia problem, ransomed. Go to settings and upload a profile picture and a new avatar image.
  7. drimo's Avatar
    I won't be able to make it this year so I am counting on all of you to post a lot of pictures, video, and write-ups about what happens and what is displayed!
  8. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by drimo
    I won't be able to make it this year so I am counting on all of you to post a lot of pictures, video, and write-ups about what happens and what is displayed!
    Oh great, no pressure there.
  9. mhowe9's Avatar
    I will be car pooling there from MI ... looking forward to it.
  10. Bobby's Avatar
    Air Tran is having a sale and you can get round trip tickets to Des Moines for $208 from Atlanta.