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Update on my REEF

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OK its been a while since i posted on here so ill start a new thread on my tank. tank has been up since Sept/2010, just recently rescaped and took out all cluttered sps and sticking to pieces i like. I love sps, also love my pairs of clowns and mandarins
70g DSA tank
Current extreme pro 6 bulb driven by 3X workhorse 5 ballast
4x ATI blue plus, ATI purple plus, giesman mid-day
ice cap moonlight led strip
octo nwb-110 skimmer
ECO BAK biopellets/ Nextreef reactor
PM SR35P reactor (gfo/ carbon)
Other equipment
Vortech mp40 ES
Sicce 3.0, 1.5, 1.0 return/reactors
Reef Keeper Lite
Yellow wrasse
pair of Picasso clowns, one from ORA and another from a fellow MAAST member
pair of Mandarins
Purple Tang
Yellow watchman

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Updated 08-22-2011 at 08:24 PM by stangchris

Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary


  1. Psalm104:24-25's Avatar
    very nice tank
  2. steve8855's Avatar
    very nice tank those look like those snowflake clownfish very cool.

    did u glue that large purple coral to you overflow?
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    Very pretty tank. I love it. Thanks for sharing your pics! :-)
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    WOW, looks beautiful!! Purple Monti is gorgeous too. Looks like you have a lot of growth. How would you say your SPS growth rate is under the 6 T5's? And do you believe the ATI bulbs is a big factor in the growth?
  5. stangchris's Avatar
    thanks! as for the purple coral I think your talking about my caps it used to be glued a long time ago on my old tank. that worked because I glued it when it was size of nickel, also it's a red cap. iPhone makes everything look so blue.
  6. stangchris's Avatar
    sps is a lil slower from when I had a 250w hqi, but the color is so much better some pieces colored up and look 100% better. par levels are 325-350 4 inches from surface, 100-150 on sand. good ballast are the key, I've bought the cheap sps bulbs and blew them in 4 days. good bulbs are another factor. in pic 2 right near clown that a tyree purple soli, far left is a green purple rim cap, and big red cap top left center
  7. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey, thanks for the info. I thought they were purple too, lol. Well they look great. I have to check out the ATI bulbs. I have a Current USA 4 bulb and two 110 VHO's. Do they make ATI bulbs for VHO? Where did you get your bulbs from?


  8. stangchris's Avatar
    the great grimreefer of reef central has good articles, reading his stuff on RC(sorry marc i know bad word) got me to believe in t5. i am still a mh advocate, but i wanted a nice clean look with a canopy that wasnt 2 feet high or run a chiller so t5 it had to be. i get my bulbs where ever they are cheaper since its cost so much switching every 6 months. i have a LFS i can get em or bulkreefsupply, i dont think they make VHO
  9. melev's Avatar
    Your tank is looking very nice. Thanks for the update. Care for any suggestions, or should I just be quiet?
  10. stangchris's Avatar
    come on Marc you don't have to ask I like constructive criticism.
  11. melev's Avatar
    I didn't want to rain on your happy parade, so I asked first.

    #1) I'd recommend scraping the walls down to get them nice and clean. Your corals will pop against a dark clean background, and you may even see some reflections when viewing at a slight angle.

    #2) The rockwork resembles a fruit stand to me. It's too consistant across the back, with no discernable break. A small gap, or one side higher than the other would help. Right now, the corals look layered to me, stairstepping backwards & upwards.

    #3) Add some white light to the tank when shooting pictures to reduce the blue somewhat. You could swap out a bulb, or perhaps shoot a flashlight at the area you are photographing. It's tricky, but with a few attempts you'll figure out how to do it. The light can be pointed down with a helper, or at an angle to avoid a reflection off the glass.

    Regardless whether you do this or not, your corals look happy and you've culled the list to the ones you like best. Great decision!
  12. stangchris's Avatar
    thanks Marc. I took out 10-15 lbs of rock 2 weeks ago, I've been struggling with "style" scapeing. with a 3 foot tank and so much coral it's kinda hard, I need to get a background on my tank, as it sits infront of a window. thanks again for the suggestions
  13. melev's Avatar
    Don't forget to update us.
  14. stangchris's Avatar
    i felt so bad about how crappy Marc thought my tank was. so i am now just going to get a bigger tank to fit all my coral!
  15. melev's Avatar
    I knew I shouldn't have said a word. Now look what I did to your bank account. (Then again, our economy's needs outweigh your personel feelings, right?)
  16. stangchris's Avatar
    new build coming soon.............