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A view from above.

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I decided to shoot a video from the top down. Placing my iPhone 4 in a Floater box, I let it shoot while I describe various corals in my tank. I hope you like it.

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  1. jlemoine2's Avatar
    NIce video, Marc. Thanks for the tour, that is a different perspective in a video than we are used to seeing.... just one more use for a viewing box.
  2. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Very nice Marc. I always forget all the names, but you did great.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, were the tentacles on those bubble tip anemones ever short?
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    Nicely done! I really enjoyed seeing it like that!
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Enjoyed watching, thanks Marc!
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    great idea marc thanks for the vid
  7. kitch40's Avatar
    Nice tank tour Marc!!! hard to remember the names of them all!!!
  8. dahenley's Avatar
    your corals look huge from the top.....
    i want some... haha. keep up the good work.
    (ps, you should do a video of the "behind the tank... all the equipment and frag tank and what not) it would be cool
  9. melev's Avatar
    Thanks everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midnight
    Marc, were the tentacles on those bubble tip anemones ever short?
    Yes, back in 2002/2003. And the Rose BTA back in 2007.

    Quote Originally Posted by dahenley
    your corals look huge from the top.....
    i want some... haha. keep up the good work.
    (ps, you should do a video of the "behind the tank... all the equipment and frag tank and what not) it would be cool
    Good idea.
  10. cruelle's Avatar
    very cool way of looking at your reef
  11. melev's Avatar
    I honestly didn't think it was that big of a deal. This is how I see it all the time, from up on the walkboard. It just seemed like a good way to video it without reflections. I'm glad y'all liked it.