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Going through the emails tonight...

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I saw this video submission that I figured you might get a kick out of. If you really want the bottom of your barebottom tank cleaned, this could be one method.

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  1. Jnarowe's Avatar
    wow...I would not want to use that. That looks like it would scratch not only the bottom, but the viewing pane as well.
  2. wrx1908's Avatar
    It's made to clean Glass
  3. melev's Avatar
    Correct, it's made by Two Little Fishies so it's nothing to worry about.
  4. joeogio's Avatar
    yeah you should have nothing to worry about as long as you make sure there isnt anything stuck on it that will scratch the glass, and who cares about the bottom being scratched
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    That must be a pretty powerful magnet to pull the wet side that far. Wow!