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Lighting Controls!

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I want to hook up timers to my lighting system. Each light, fans, and moonlight has a seperate wire. I went to Lowes the other day and seen what they have to offer. Is this where y'all get ya timers from or do they have some other place with timers with a little more control? I noticed they had timers with 1,2, and 3 plugs on them but they could not be seperately controlled. Do they make timers that can have multiple plugs with seperate controls?

Thanks for the help,


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  1. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    You will need to get a seperate timer for every device you want to control. Another option and in my opinion better option is to get a controller. A basic controller which controll all of your lights and then some. There are many different options and prices ranging from $99-$499.
  2. Douwant2play's Avatar
    +1 to what tumbleweed said. Here is a review of the Reefkeeper (they have different models which you can check out here: This is something that I am looking at getting as it can be used for a lot of applications and it can grow as my tank grows. You can hook up almost anything you want to it. here is a review from a member of this site:
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow, that was fast, thanks y'all. I need all the advice I can get!
  4. Douwant2play's Avatar
    you might be interested in this product by coralife:
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    It seems like I almost need a breaker panel under my tank, this is a lot of wires and equipment just for the lights only. Not to mention everything else.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    There, That one seems ok. I have to check it out more. Or is that the same
    Updated 05-04-2010 at 04:38 PM by Hat39406
  7. melev's Avatar
    Don't buy the Coralife Powercenter timers by ESU. Those have been known to start fires, which has been documented on forums. It simply isn't a safe product.

    If you want to buy separate timers, do that instead. Don't buy a built in one.
  8. Douwant2play's Avatar
    well if you go the individual timer route, Wal Mart had some Orange and White ones that are real simple to use. Not sure if they still carry them, I've had mine for a couple of years.
  9. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thank you, I will check that out.
  10. Jkohuts's Avatar
    harbor freight tools has timers for 3.99 dual plug grounded 15min on 15 off. dont know if that place is around your area.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    I'll have to check it out, thanks Jkohuts.
  12. FISH PROS's Avatar
    i would suggest you pick up a reefkeeper lite, it will be one of the best investments that you buy for your tank, lights,heaters,return pump,the list just goes on and on with what this controller can do
  13. Hat39406's Avatar
    Thanks Fish Pros, yeah i'm checking them out too. They seem very nice.
  14. melev's Avatar
    And they are cheap at $99. I like them so much I'd thinking about getting one for my quarantine system.
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    I have all electrical high and out the way. But I wanted to put timers on my lights. Don't know what i'm going to do yet, i'm checking out all the options y'all tell me. I want to mount all my electrical up high but i'm looking into different configurations.