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PVC glue?

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As most of you know, after adding a sump to my existing tank, my only SPS is dying, and now my frogspawn is looking very unhappy. Someone just told me that I should have let my PVC glue joints cure for 48 hours before adding them to the system. Since I had to make several of the joints in place, I only gave them a couple hours. Could that be what's poisoning my corals?

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Usually not. It depends how much glue and primer you used, how many connections you glued and the total water volume.

    When I glue together plumbing, I assemble everything except one or two connections. I take the assembly outside and flush it out with a garden hose, or soak it in the bathtub. That way only one or two spots have to be glued before I fire up the pumps. 2 hours is long enough. I know some fish store owners wait 5 minutes before they turn on the pump.

    Running lots of carbon (a Phosban Reactor holds 3 cups) should really help. Have you checked for stray electricity yet, in case that's the culprit?
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Thanks Marc, that makes me feel a bit better. I only glued about 3 elbows in place on site. everything else was running for a week in freshwater. I'm running about 2 cups of carbon in a reactor now, and getting water mixed for a change.

    I can't imagine it would be stray eletricity because nothing new was added to the display. In fact everything but two power heads was removed down to the sump. I'll check though. Since I did have to replace a powerhead that I broke while cleaning it last night.
  3. melev's Avatar
    A faulty heater, a leaking return pump, either of these could be a source. The refugium lighting as well. I'm just trying to rule out anything since you're watching a decline, and the sooner we can determine the probably cause, the more quickly we can post solutions.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Phil, it may help if you do some water changes. If it is any kind of a water issue it would help. (contamination of some kind)