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T.I.B.E.T (The Incredibly Big Expensive Tank)

Cleaning out my phone yields video

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This morning someone asked me if I had recent photos of our skimmer. I was cleaning up my phone yesterday and found this video. This was shot a few days, maybe a week, after being put online. This thing is a beast! Can't seem to find the embed option from YouTube, but here is the link. It pulls out about 2-5L/week and that volume seems to be both weather dependent, ozone reliant.

The quality has degraded significantly, sorry!

And as a bit of a sad irony when BP's stock tanked I bought. I work in Oil & Gas so I felt it was probably a reasonably safe bet to purchase a depressed stock, and I have some insight into how this may play out. At the rate things are working out some of the rise in BP stock will fund my tank purchase. Is that gauche? Strikes me almost as gauche as serving fish at a reef meet.

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Tags: diy
Tank Entry , ‎ DIY projects
