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A new addict is being added to our site.

Rating: 4 votes, 3.75 average.
Adam Blundell is the Director of the Aquatic & Terrestrial Research Team, whose efforts are designed to bring hobbyists and researchers together for common goals. When not teaching in the laboratory, Adam stays busy with many projects, local aquatic clubs, and a hectic travel schedule for speaking engagements. Adam can be contacted at

We'd like to welcome Adam to our family, and look forward to what he has to share. I've met with him personally on several occasions and he's a fun guy to hang out with.

His first article can be found on our front page, and here's the link:

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  1. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Thank you for joining us Adam! It's nice to have experienced input in the community.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Welcome to Reef Addicts! There are a great bunch of addicts here who share the same ideals, spend any extra money on the tank! ;-p
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    wooo hooo welcome
  4. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Great to have you. Looking forward to some great articles.
  5. michika's Avatar
    Awesome! Given the shirt, I'm sure this is going to be good!
  6. melev's Avatar
    It's my favorite picture of him.