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Lesson in RO/DI

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Well basically this starts out with me being out of work and trying to keep a SW tank running, I think most of you can imaging how that goes. So what happened? Lets start with the things I knew. I knew that the RO cartridge was almost at the end of its useful life, I knew that I no longer trusted my TDS meter, I also know that I am silly broke right now but I also know that I go back to work shortly and that brings us to the "what happened". Well I thought that I might be able to stretch the filter out until I am working again even though I am fairly cretin that my TFS are not zero ant longer. That turned out to be a horrible idea. Now I am left dealing with a nasty mess of hair algae. What have I done now, well I replaced the RO/DI cartridges, bought some turbo snails and an emerald crab as a start to the fight, I start work next week and plan on beefing up the cleaners some more after that. I also intend on not letting this happen again, I learned the lesson.

Why did I take the time to post this? Frustration! I see people all the time saying that they do not use RO/DI, they just use tap water. WHAT??? How do these people get away with this? I do 4 water changes with RO/DI water that might be going bad and I end up with a mess, I cannot even begin to imagine what my tank would look like if I put tap water in it.
Let this be a lesson to anyone who might think they can stretch out a RO system, you have been warned.
Anyway thats the end of my rant.

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Updated 09-20-2010 at 11:49 PM by melev

Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry


  1. melev's Avatar
    Next time you are in a pinch, contact me.
  2. DETANE's Avatar
    I hear you on this. My DI resin got used up and my tds went from zero to 2ppm. Not even a few day later I started getting hair algae also. I replaced the DI resin and within 1 week of replacing it the algae is disappearing. Lesson learned.
    What type or model RO/DI are you using? have you tried the BRS D.I. resin? BRS resin works great for me.

    I use this unit. The computer pretty much does all on its own.
    Updated 09-21-2010 at 01:56 PM by DETANE
  3. TheBChamp's Avatar
    I have not gotten my hands on a RO/DI yet, but maybe when a system is used to that prestine water and all of a sudden it stops receiving that water, all hell breaks loose... I havent had any crazy outbreaks but more then I would like to have.. however it seems better since I have moved and live on a well..
  4. melev's Avatar
    Detane, your system looks very similar to the one I sell, except I have a separate DI which allows my customers to make drinking water as well as water for their aquariums. Mine is a 5-stage with a 150gpd membrane and booster pump for the same price.

    TheBChamp - you can always get a system like this one for your reef: It costs less and still makes 100gpd (over 4g per hour) and you get drinking water as well.
  5. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    TheBChamp has a good point. Thanks for the reinforcement of using quality water! I hope everything works out for you.
  6. DETANE's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Detane, your system looks very similar to the one I sell, except I have a separate DI which allows my customers to make drinking water as well as water for their aquariums. Mine is a 5-stage with a 150gpd membrane and booster pump for the same price.

    TheBChamp - you can always get a system like this one for your reef: It costs less and still makes 100gpd (over 4g per hour) and you get drinking water as well.
    Thats a great system you have there Melev. I personally really like the onboard computer the purateck offers, the built in electronic TDS-Out Meter w/ built-in automatic back-flush. This saves me so much time and having to remember to flush the system out every so often. Im a full time student, work, and travel so the less I have to do saves me world of time. You system is by far more affordable and many hobbiests in these tough economic times would really benefit buying your system and using RO/DI instead of tap.

    I use a separate system for my drinking water and use the purateck as a designated ro/di for the reef system.
    Updated 09-21-2010 at 02:16 PM by DETANE
  7. DETANE's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBChamp
    I have not gotten my hands on a RO/DI yet, but maybe when a system is used to that prestine water and all of a sudden it stops receiving that water, all hell breaks loose... I havent had any crazy outbreaks but more then I would like to have.. however it seems better since I have moved and live on a well..
    where are u located?
  8. Spyder's Avatar
    DETANE, I use a six stage (two DI stages) 100 GPD system from, I bought it when I was first starting out and didn't know all the brands out there. Honestly the unit has been great for me, the RO cartridge has been lasting for two years, this is the first real problem that I have had and it is my own fault. I'm sure that there are better units out there that will give a clean to waste water ratio than this one but since I use the waste water for laundry that really doesn't concern me too much.
  9. marks69's Avatar
    i've been using one of melev's 100gpd and it works great. i do need to get a permete pump for it though. i have mine hooked to a tank and my fridge. the kids drink alot more water now.