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Sept 24: Here's the current situation

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Now that I am home for a bit and have time to prepare the fishroom for the new tank, I figured I better shoot a video of what things are like here. It is about to change quite a bit, so I thought this would be a fun clip.

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  1. Snakebyt's Avatar
    thanks for the update, looks a little like chaos, but it will get better soon im sure.. but please dont take years to do the woodwork on the front of this tank

    cant wait to see the behemoth tank start to take shape
  2. Trido's Avatar
    My god you have alot of work ahead. If you quit playing with Rich, Joe, Laura and the rest of the gang you might get more done at home.
    Im gearing up to do two custom builds for friends and I dont think that the work combined in both of them will add up to what you have in store.
  3. OneReef's Avatar
    Wow, that is alot of stuff. Dates must be very, uhhhhhh, "impressed", when you bring them over to you house. lmao Marc's pick up line at bar: "Hey wanna come check out my living room?"
  4. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Wow, thats a lot of work. If I lived closer I'd swing by and lend a hand. Thanks for the update.
  5. Plantguy's Avatar
    I still think you need to fly up here so we can drive the tank back to TX Fear and Loathing style.

  6. Hop's Avatar
    It is a lot of work, but it is the *fun* time I think. The time you get to shape the direction things will head!
  7. johnbanks's Avatar
    ahhh, if only i wasn't a few thousand miles away Marc i'd lend a hand.

    fingers crossed it all comes together for you
  8. GoinAcropoora's Avatar
    This is one time I don't envy someone with a huge tank. I hope you planned for new carpeting in the budget too. I'm sure the experience has made for some pretty ingenious contingencies. Looking forward to hearing more of them.
  9. Spyder's Avatar
    You must be going insane right about now with all the rearranging ahead of you.
  10. melev's Avatar
    I'll have more to share tomorrow.
  11. maroun.c's Avatar
    Wow didn't expect you had so many things to do.
    Now my upgrade looks a lot easier.
  12. melev's Avatar