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Epic Fail

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I got home a couple of hours ago, and just realized that I left my netbook on the plane. When they told us to power down our laptops in anticipation of landing, I did and put it in the seat pocket. And totally forgot to take it! I'm shocked - this is SOOO unlike me. During the flight, I wrote the entire article about RAP to post tonight, and of course all of my presentations were on it as well. I called the closed Lost and Found and left a message and can only hope it will be turned in by the clean up staff, since it was the last flight of the day.

Stupid costly mistake!

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  1. tdwright1971's Avatar
    ouch! I wish you luck in getting it back.
  2. melev's Avatar
    I'm happy to report I got it back.

    I decided not to leave things to chance and drove up to the airport to somehow gain access to that plane before it took off for its next destination. AA staff were coming in just after 4 a.m. and the second one I spoke with went over to the gate where we deplaned, walked on board and found it exactly as described, in the seat pocket of 14A. With great joy, I headed home with my netbook in hand. I lost some time, sleep, gas and surely got a couple of additional gray hairs, but had I gone to sleep it wouldn't have turned out as well, I'm sure.
  3. drimo's Avatar
    Good, glad you got it back! It is definitely better to give up a little sleep and get it back than spend the whole night sleepless (like I would) and beating yourself up for leaving it behind.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    wow, i'm glad to here it Marc, My wife and I have both left our IPODs on different planes and got them back.
  5. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Nice job Marc. So much better than having it stolen!
  6. dahenley's Avatar
    WOW, close call...

    glad you got it back!
  7. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    So where is the article then since you got it back?
  8. melev's Avatar
    It's on the site. Need to add my pictures, then it will go live.
  9. Wes's Avatar
    wow! are you serious! title does explain it all then huh?! lol, too bad though, you would have had a great excuse for an ipad
  10. melev's Avatar
    I was actually thinking about that during my trip to the airport at 3:30am. heh
  11. NightShade's Avatar
    Glad you got it back. While in Vegas my wife took her jacket off at Circus Circus and put it on the back of a chair. We walked away fro a bit and when she remembered she left it we went back and it was gone. The bad thing is that in the pocket was a digital camera with my 2gb micro SD card and an SD adapter with most of our vacation pictures on it. Never got it back. . . and wasn't too worried about the camera just wanted the pictures.
  12. melev's Avatar
    Because my netbook is so tiny, it was basically invisible in that seat pocket. During flight, I moved all those magazines and stuff into the adjacent pocket, so it looked empty. That surely is one of the reasons I forgot it. I probably will not make this mistake again.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Catching another flight today. Thinking about tying some dental floss from my netbook to my belt loop. Hehe
  14. NightShade's Avatar
    They have a little deal that hooks onto your belt loop and like keys or whatnot. . . should you get a certain distance away an alarm sounds to remind you to go get it. have to look it up and see if I can find it for ya.
  15. NightShade's Avatar is something like it. . . but not the same. Or get you one of those bungie or springie things that the casino's give for the club cards. . . That should work
  16. melev's Avatar
    OR - I could be more aware of my possessions. I think I get distracted by beautiful women too easily. hehe
  17. Jnarowe's Avatar
    The cause of 95% of all rear-end accidents: The Bedonkidonk.