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My Marineland 400g tank is on the move!

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My new Marineland 400g tank is on the move! I wish I could do that thing where you log into a site and watch the dot move. I'm trying to arrange the time of delivery with the freight company now, which will probably be some time this Thursday. I'm going to need some help putting it in place, and am trying to determine the exact time of arrival.

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    WoooooHoooooo! Today is the big day we allll been waiting for. ;-). Especially you Marc. ;-p
  2. dahenley's Avatar
    We expect to see the blogs coming very quickly soon after the tank arrives!
    i beg to differ!!!!
    there better be a hand there holding that fancy new I-phone 4 taking a streaming video of the whole thing!!!! that way we can be there during the whole move!
    now that sounds like a plan!
  3. melev's Avatar
    Depending on warm bodies, I do hope to have pictures and video to share. I count 10 at the moment, but perhaps there will be more.
  4. David W's Avatar
    The blog should be up any minute!
  5. melev's Avatar
    The tank is in place, and I'll be posting updates in a little bit. Have to go drop off the borrowed suction cups now because I have to fly out in the morning. Got video to share as well.
  6. David W's Avatar
    Great to hear, congradulations Marc!
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