• Reef Addict

    by Published on 01-27-2010 01:00 PM
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    Keeping tradition of bringing you awesomely fun things to do and read, we thought we'd offer up a bit of enjoyment to distract you on this day. Whatever you may be doing, take a pause, and give Reef Addicts a call. Leave a message on our answering machine. If we like it, we add it to our podcast. Simple as that. Be creative, be funny, and be inventive. You can say whatever you'd like, be it monologue, dialogue, or ballad. Keep in mind that we will use it at our own discretion. We probably won't be using profanity or raunchy messages. Leave those at your own risk, or preferably not at all. But, do understand that whatever you say is being recorded and can be used by Reef Addicts any way we deem necessary. So don't say anything you wouldn't want your mother, your wife, or little Johnny hearing at some point.
    Published on 01-03-2010 01:16 PM
    1. Additives

    For about 6 months now I have been making my own food. When, I started my goal was to purchase as much of it as possible from the local grocery store in order to keep the cost down. In November, I did a teach for my local on the food recipe. Here is the recipe and a video that I made to go along with recipe.

    MASM Food Recipe

    Why Make your Own Food:

    1) Allows for variety of diet: You can mix different things together in feeding. Your fish get variety
    2) Cost effective solution. Most items in the recipe are at your local grocery store.
    3) Can tailor your recipe to your own specific tank.

    by Published on 01-01-2010 11:59 PM
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    BBC news reported in December a funny story from the Indonesian-side of the world. "One man's trash is another man's treasure," or so the saying goes. So what about an octopus such as the Amphioctopus marginatus?
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