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Nuvo 16g

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so it been a roller coaster of a year, took down my 150 transferred all coral to a 105g rimless tank. tank crashed lost coral(jan) then battled bryopsis and won then hair algae almost won. A kitchen remodel claimed the 105(didn't want to move it so I sold it), didn't want to move it so I decided to just get a nano till I finish up school. So here I am.
I purchased the nuvo used, as I didn't wanted to put money into different areas of the build. So equipment wise I traded for things I needed and kept my apex controller from other tank, purchased InTank media baskets and fuge, added a 10w light for fuge, mp-10 for water movement, went with hydra at first but didn't like how it hung over the tank. I swapped the hydra out for the new hydra 26 and love it. ATO coming online soon controlled by apex.

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Tags: nano nuvo
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  1. melev's Avatar
    Wow, you're right, a lot has been going on since you blogged last. Thanks for the update.
  2. snorkeler's Avatar
    I like the looks of the tank. Are you using black sand, like a volcanic-close seabed? I once saw a tank like that in a LFS, it looked great but the store owner complained it consumed too much light because of the lack of reflection.