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Tank - Full Summary

Basic full overview of the system

  1. My Reef-The Cycle

    Once I got the new tank filled and going everything was great.Days went by (I think 11 or 12 days....)
    BIG MISTAKE #2 I discovered Biospira.Naturally wanting to go ahead and start stocking the tank, I did like the LFS guy said and promptly began buying and adding about six fish within two weeks.Well I must have generated even more ammonia than the Biospira could handle because within a week everything was dead but one false percula
    So I took my lumps and waited,and waited and ...
    Tags: cycle
    Tank - Full Summary
  2. My Reef-The Beginning

    This is my first saltwater tank set up after having many freshwater tanks down through the years.
    During September 2009 I went into a new fish store that had opened up a while back looking for something new to spruce up my freshwater tank.Thats when it happened.I noticed that this store had just a very small section of freshwater livestock but five times that amount of saltwater fish.But wait,what else is that?Some of these tanks have no fish at all just corals.I had never seen a live coral ...
    Tank - Full Summary