Blog Comments

  1. Sam11909's Avatar
    They will work but you will always have more algae than you would have with new bulbs. 9 months sounds about right for the spectrum life time of the bulb.
  2. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah eh.. that sucks.. cause the light still works.. lol. It would be interesting to test that.
  3. melev's Avatar
    I would agree. When T5s came out, every vendor promoted them as 2 year bulbs. However, it wasn't long after that that people in Europe were changing them out at 9 months. I believe one year is about as long as they last (useful life), based on what I'm reading online.
  4. marks69's Avatar
    i thought the spectrum of the bulbs changes over time. probably due for a change.
  5. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah I dont really need a chiller up here.. lol. But noted that I will not use that water... I unfortunately lost my clown over the weekend... and so now im thinkin im gonna have to break down and get an RO/DI.. Im
  6. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    You could turn it into a chiller!
  7. trplxj's Avatar
    I wouldn't do it. every time i empty mine the water has a blue color to it. No way would I want to put that into my tank, not even my freshwater tanks.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Don't do it. Bad idea and a huge risk of contamination.
  9. Spyder's Avatar
    I would worry about a lot of things doing that but the first thing that pops into my head is that the water forms on an aluminum coil that is soldered together in most cases and the questions that I am left with is does anything leach out of that and how much corrosion happens in the process. I can't answer either so I wouldn't personally feel comfortable doing that.
  10. Jessy's Avatar
    I honestly don't know. It would seem pure, but wouldn't you have to worry about all the dust and crap in the air getting in the water?
  11. TheBChamp's Avatar
    I think the filefish looks pretty cool the way he swims around and stuff.. he's like a helicoptor in water. lol. I will keep you posted though sedor. And I have gone down the road with a peppermint shrimp, and he did a kickass job.. but too good.. after eating everything he moved over to the polyps I had.. polished those babies off and then died!.. LOL I was like "Alright thanks for comin out!!"
  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Get a bunch of peppermint worked for me! ;-)
  13. sedor's Avatar
    Aiptasia X never works for me. Don't get me wrong, it works wonders and melts the little buggers away instantly, but I guess I just wasn't persistent enough. A copperbanded butterfly did the trick for me, but after about a year he kicked it and now 3 months later my tank is riddled with aiptasia again. Maybe i'll try to aiptasia x again. Definitely interested in seeing how the filefish works out for ya. I always thought those things were so ugly.
  14. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah... that or joes juice.. I just prefer not going chemical.. but may have to. But thanks mark.. Can always count on you for a little advice. Can't wait to see your new setup
  15. melev's Avatar
    I don't, but can recommend Aiptasia-X by RedSea. You just have to go after them on a regular basis to get them under control. It isn't a one-treatment solution.
  16. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah... i'm beginning to discover about there wierdness.. lol He looked alot better last night. He actually seems to charge the glass a bit when I get close. Now I have heard bad things about anemones but I think I want one for him anyways.. im just afraid of the Koralia I have in there.. hopefully he wouldnt decide that it was a good idea to feel out the old power head.
  17. DETANE's Avatar
    Mine still hang out by the corners and i've had them for 6 months. Keep in mind ClownFish live in one area most of their life hosting an anemone. So maybe they just like that corner??
  18. surfnsd's Avatar
    Mine both hung out in the upper left corner of the tank for about a week before they started exploring. I kinda freaked but after talking to multiple LFS and friends I come to find out that thats not unheard of with clowns. Just watch him, Im sure he just doesnt know who,what,when,where,why,how and everything else.
  19. sedor's Avatar
    If you have flow in the tank, and a skimmer (or even if you don't have a skimmer) your tank has oxygen. In my experience clowns are kinda "strange" and a lot of times they keep very close to the same spot. Even in the wild they generally don't travel more than 18 inches away from their home (hence the who idea of finding nemo haha). I wouldn't worry much about it, he should come around. Clowns are very hardy fish.
  20. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah i will probly do a water change.. maybe aerate a bit.. The tank is about 40 gal.. so not tiny. Still small but not tiny.
    I could turn off the lights by they have been on its regular cycle since Friday when I got him. And plus I do have mushrooms and button polyps...
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