Blog Comments

  1. Jessy's Avatar
    You guys rock! You have no idea how much of a rock star you've all made me feel like this birthday. I love you all. BIG HUGS
  2. melev's Avatar
    Mits, we may have to leave that cake up there at the top of the screen for an extra day for ya buddy.
  3. evoracer's Avatar
    Happy Birthday!
  4. reefer50's Avatar
    happy birthday Jessy from NOR-CAL!! as a member myself i would like to welcome you to the 27 club.
  5. Mits's Avatar
    Happy birthday! Of course I type this with 12 minutes remaining until my 31st! June rocks!
  6. upster's Avatar
    All the best girlie. Many more!
  7. CaelCynndarr's Avatar
    HAppy Birthday Jessy!!!!
  8. shrevis's Avatar
    Happy Birthday from the new to SD area addict here.
  9. marks69's Avatar
    happy b day. june's a busy month around here, a total of 9 birthdays and 2 anniversary's in our family. i'm the 13th and my youngest daughter is the 14. but atleast i get a princess and the frog
  10. Trido's Avatar
    First Laura. Now you! What a week!

    Happy birthday Jessy!!!!
  11. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    Happy Birthday Jessy
  12. melev's Avatar
    Alright you aiptasia-bearing addicts. You need to go to your profile and update the avatar with a better image. Three of you need to change it and make Jessy's day - she loathes the aiptasia/valonia avatars (which she created to move you people to action).

    Profile picture and Avatar picture are not the same, and you can have two different kinds or both can be alike. That's your choice. At the very top right spot of this page, click Settings, then on that page look in the left hand column to Edit Avatar.
  13. raddogz's Avatar
    Have a happy birthday!!!
  14. dwittster's Avatar
    Happy B-Day! May it be a GREAT one!
  15. dread240's Avatar
    Happy birfday!!!
  16. diablo30xp's Avatar
    Happy Birthday Jessy!
  17. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Awesome! Happy Birthday Jessy!
  18. kileysmama's Avatar
    Happy birthday, Jessy dear!
  19. Snakebyt's Avatar
    Happy birthday Jessy
  20. johnbanks's Avatar
    Happy Birthday. hope your wishes and dreams get one step closer to you