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  1. Fishy pictures

    Considering how much I feed my fish, it's funny that I don't take their pictures very often. Moving targets are not my forté....

    I love Crown Royal.

    The Pajama Cardinalfish are actually fun to have, surprisingly.

    Lyretail Anthias
  2. Tonight's Top Down pictures

    I've stated this before, but it bears repeating - looking at your corals from above is vastly superior to viewing them through the walls of your tank. These pictures still can't showcase their beauty, but I tried valiantly none-the-less.

  3. Evidence of flow

    The BTA in my tank is devouring the cleaner shrimp currently. I'm not sure how this happened, but my guess is that the clownfish were defending their eggs and scared the shrimp right into the tentacles. No idea, since they were leaving together closely for months.

    As I was watching the shrimp vanish, I noticed the tentacles were moving every direction which is pretty good evidence of random or chaotic flow.

  4. Wednesday pictures

    The day started off nicely after last night's storms. I was enjoying my reef under VHO actinic lighting, and felt the urge to get out my camera.

    Within hours, the metal halides started cycling on for the day.


    Updated 04-28-2011 at 01:51 AM by melev

  5. A few recent pictures

    Mimic filefish, aka Dyson

    Dyson mimicing Spock

    Helfrichi firefish, the last of three

    Strombus Grazer in the refugium

    Raffle prize at the recent DFWMAS frag swap, possibly ...
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