Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Ewwww!! Great shot though. Nice to see you posting on RA again, Brad. We miss that!

    May I use that picture in my Pests presentation? It's perfect, and has your name credited already.
  2. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Beautiful shots Marc. I had the macro bug lately also.

    Look what I found this morning taking a pic of my Tort. So far the only colony.

  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Awesome, awesome, awesome!
  4. melev's Avatar
    No canopy. Just wood panels affixed with magnets to provide a built-in look. That way I'll have full access when I need by simply removing the panels and setting them to the side.
  5. syedjilani's Avatar
    Very beautiful and healthy corals.
  6. maroun.c's Avatar
    Looking good.
    So the tank will have a canopy sitting on it to close the gap???
    Would have gone with a ceiling suspended wood cabinet to take off the weight from the tank and allow for more reaching space.
  7. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Nice. I admire your get-it-done determination. My home improvement projects tend to take months.
  8. Scubaman's Avatar
    This is really interesting as I didn't know people provided this level of care for ornamental fish. I've heard stories of surgery for large animals but never home aquarium pets. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Scubaman's Avatar
    Finally; I know your pain as I recently had some drywall work done where I came through the ceiling. How much are you selling that live rock for?
  10. Jnarowe's Avatar
    hell, 3 days is pretty damn good. Looks great!
  11. edandsandy's Avatar
    Looks great Marc.. Nothing worse than drywall dust!
  12. melev's Avatar
    That's about half full of live rock that has been 'cooking' for about 4 years.
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    Looks good Marc, glad you can check that off the list. What's the blue barrel for, it's not the temp anemone tank is it?
  14. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Wow, I can definitely see that it's an honest mistake.

    You know what I want to see is a mirrored tank on the opposite side of the room. exactly mirrored aquascaping, fish, coral placement etc. The only hard part about that is that you have to get a Spock 2nd generation...
  15. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Yeah, and I thought my 55 was running out of space! Looking good Marc.
  16. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    My offer is a case of Crown _and_ I'll come pick it up.
  17. melev's Avatar
    Uploaded that coral picture as promised, added above.
  18. melev's Avatar
    No, but I took it under full blue LEDs and tried to adjust the colors back some. I never use saturation. You're another one that asked about the duncans, so I'll get a new picture of it under better light conditions. It's very pretty.
  19. Jnarowe's Avatar
    no cranking on the saturation? if so, that Duncan is special. very nice!
  20. cr.ritchie's Avatar
    Nice photos