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Tank Entry

  1. Measuring water's evaporation

    Each day for the past week, I've been marking how much water is being used by my reef. I took a piece of blue masking tape and applied it vertically on the acrylic reservoir I made.

    Each day around the same time, I drew a line, marked the day and time it was measured.

    What I've discovered is that the ATO reservoir holds more ...
    Tags: ato
    Tank Entry
  2. Day 20: Water testing

    I pulled out the test kits tonight to see where things are. I'm happy to report great numbers across the board.

    Salinity 1.026sg
    pH 8.22
    ORP 313
    Temperature 79.3F
    Alkalinity 10dKH
    Calcium 480ppm
    Magnesium 1450ppm
    Nitrate 0
    Phosphate 0

    Even with these excellent numbers, I'm going to do a 50g water change tomorrow.

    The LED refugium lighting was installed two nights ago, and they look fantastic. Totally ...
    Tags: leds, vent fan
    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry , ‎ Lighting
  3. Clowning around

    One of the last things to move from the temporary system was the Rose BTA and Onyx perc clownfish. I scooped them out with a container, keeping the anemone and clowns in water. Barely.

    But it worked. I had the bowl over the reef, and every 10 minutes I poured in a red cup full of reef water, overflowing the water in the Rubbermaid to get the temperature acclimated. I lowered the container with the clowns ...
    Tank Entry
  4. A tiny eel

    In July 2007, a group of us from DFWMAS drove south to Galveston to join the MARSH club for their annual collection trip. Here's the link: During that trip, I came home with a tiny eel. I have no idea what kind, and he's lived in my suncoral tank ever since. For a couple of months, he vanished and I thought he was dead, but I found him swimming in my sump one day. I scooped him up and put him back in the suncoral tank.

    Last Saturday, ...
    Tags: eel
    Tank Entry
  5. Final leveling of the 400g - Saturday, Feb 5

    After looking at my tank full of water, I decided the tank had to be 100% perfectly level. It was down on the left end 1/8" for some reason, even though it was level every which way I'd measured it previously. It was a little frustrating to see this, but what can you do? Go out and buy another jack, that's what you can do. And get Wes to come over to help.

    A club member lent me some 1" tubing.

    Tank Entry
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