Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    It all comes down to pollution. The more food you add to the QT, the quicker the water goes south. One of my friends feeds his QT eight times per day to get the fish fat and happy prior to introduction to his reef. He does 100% water changes. For a single fish with light feedings, 10% daily should be fine (and economical).
  2. Safedad's Avatar
    My psk 2500 had a rubber attachment for the intake. It slides over the threads and makes a ring with holes in it that can serve as a foot for the pump. I got a 1 1/4" pvc tee and placed the rubber ring inside the tee. It holds it on nicely. This allows me to put the pellet reactor discharge to into one of the openings. I have a homemade reactor (orange juice jug with needlepoint screen over openings I cut in the sides) and the other inlet sits next to the reactor to get some of its exit flow. No glue, no crossed threads.
  3. Blake's Avatar
    Im looking to only do 1 fish at a time in my 20 gallon so 10%? And ya I hear you about the corals I have a seperate 10 gallon QT for them with no water changes
  4. melev's Avatar
    My QT is about 15g of water. When I have corals in it, I don't do water changes at all. But with six fish in there, I have to be more proactive. Usually 10% daily will do the job nicely if everything is reasonable, but I tend to have too much stuff in there at once and thus I overdo it.
  5. Blake's Avatar
    what size is ur qt tank? cuz i cant do 80% a day on mine thats 15 gallons of water everyday for 8 weeks haha
  6. melev's Avatar
    I change out about 80% of the water in the QT since it's rather small. The water taken out of my reef is replaced with aged saltwater, which gives my reef a small water change. 10g daily for a week is a 70g water change to the 400g.
  7. Blake's Avatar
    what percent do you change daily? and if u use ur reef water do u keep draining ur reef for the QT or do u just make up new water??
  8. melev's Avatar
    Yes, when I have fish being fed I need to keep their water quality up. Water changes daily does that.
  9. Blake's Avatar
    Wait. You do a water change daily on your qt tank?
  10. melev's Avatar
    It has to be mixed at least 48 hours first. Ideally, I make enough so it can provide all the water needed for daily water changes from a single batch. Alternately, I can drain off water from my reef instead.
  11. Blake's Avatar
    Hey @melev how long do you age ur new salt water when you use it for your quarantine tank?
  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah, I wish that I could've used one of those when I bought a copperband a while back. All the fish treated him bad. He would never eat. And, he finally died.
  13. melev's Avatar
    Floating the bags may work for you, Henry. However, what I was doing was letting the other fish see the new ones for three days prior to introduction into the neighborhood.
  14. melev's Avatar
    208 views and Blake breaks the barrier of silence. hehehe

    I normally don't shoot with a flash, but thought these came out pretty nicely. The angels have been really good, and I'm resisting the temptation to add the firefish to the Peacemaker too soon.

    Jumpers happen, but so far with this tank I've not had that problem. Maybe I'm cursing myself now, but I think the variety of fish that swim high, mid, and low has helped avoid it so far. The Fridmani fish haven't even moved to the mid point in the tank, always staying down low.
  15. blakew's Avatar
    Beautiful pictures of the fish Marc. I love the purple firefish. We had one for the first year our 29 gallon was set up. It's the fish in my avatar. Unfortunately, one day I noticed one of our cats sniffing something at the back of the tank. Poor little fish had more in common with jerky than with a fish when I found him. Must have gotten spooked by something and jumped out of the tank. I replaced the firefish with a Fridmani psuedochromis. Again unfortunately we noticed he wasn't in the tank one day and found him in the stand (just recently). After having a couple of jumpers with this tank, I plan to either put the "birdnetting" style screen over the top of the 75 or completely enclose the tank with the canopy (maybe both??).
  16. Blake's Avatar
    They are two different facilities. In order to get the best fish and corals you need to order from Rhinelander, Wisconsin (Diver's Den) and not from California (Live Aquaria). Because they are the top protocol facility. Live Aquaria claims to have been forced to adopt all of divers den's facilities but I do not trust it (as far as corals go) However fish are a different story as I received my Christmas Wrasse as stated above ^ From Live Aquaria not Diver's Den and he is awesome he came to my home fat and happy and is doing awesome already eating after two days. But if you want the best of the best (as far as taking chances go which is what you do by ordering online anywhere) you need to order from DIVER'S DEN. However they both have the amazing warranties so you can really order from both and be safe from a "money" standpoint I am happy to hear they gave your money back and good luck with the milli!
  17. jagreef's Avatar
    I ordered from Live Aquaria. Are they not the same organization?

    UPDATE: I just received an email from them crediting me for the Acro Millie ! Wow, they must monitor this blog?
  18. melev's Avatar
    Did you order from Divers Den or from Live Aquaria?
  19. jagreef's Avatar
    Having seen this , I decided to give them a try. I ordered 6 sps. I am unfortunately not a bigwig and got the following: 3 corals appear to have been just glued prior to shipping and detached in shipping. Inconvenient, but not a big deal. The worst part was I did get a partially RTN'd pink millie that I am struggling to keep alive. I sent them an email and received a kinda of ; well these things happen, keep us posted. Huh? Not impressed at the moment.
  20. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I dose vodka and sometime I get alittle white build up on the glass and just back off for a bit. It is way easier the clean than algae though. I would switch to pellets if I didnt nip at the bottle