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  1. Coral losses from MACNA - possible explanation

    While was in Des Moines during September for MACNA 23, my tank sitter contacted me to let me know the anemone was up to no good and that one of my corals had turned white. I thought it was just a little frag that was too close to the BTA, but when he sent me a picture via MMS, I nearly lost my mind. The coral was actually three in one spot, and the little frag that I thought was the victim was completely fine. Here's some of the damage.

  2. The Magic Eraser

    This product has been discussed by aquarists, debating the value versus risk to the tank. The Magic Eraser can be purchased at super markets and places like Walmart. I found a larger box one day and bought it to try out. I think this box cost around $5.50 and came with four sponges, for lack of a better word.

    About three months ago, I saw some chatter about the Magic Eraser on Facebook and how those people ...
  3. A fancy upgrade to my RO/DI setup

    Six months ago, I ordered two components for my drinking water, and yesterday it was finally installed. The first was a bladder tank. This holds the drinking water (RO water, not RO/DI) under pressure for quick on-demand water use. It holds 3g of water, so I can use it to make coffee, ice tea, and fill up water bottles like the wind.

    Blue tubing was run from the RO system behind the refrigerator and dishwasher to the bladder tank under the sink. A small hole had to be drilled through ...

    Updated 10-28-2011 at 09:59 AM by melev

    Tags: bladder tank
    melevsreef , ‎ Equipment
  4. Fish pictures

    As requested, here are a few fishy pictures.

    Yellow Tangs

    Potter's Angel

    Some of the ORA fish I got in last week, which include a Blue Mandarin, Canary Blennies, Orchid Dottybacks, ...
    Tank Entry
  5. Visiting a rare fish: the Lightning Maroon Clownfish

    Last week I had the unique opportunity to visit the Lightning Maroon Clownfish in Duluth, MN. Matt Pedersen is this special fish's care giver, and he's been doing an un-enviable task to get it breeding for the past 20 months under intense pressure from hobbyists everywhere. Matt has bred a number of fish and we await yet another success story with tiny Lightning-marked fry to enter the market.

    If you've been under a rock and haven't heard of this fish by now, know that it comes from ...

    Updated 12-20-2011 at 10:25 AM by melev

    Propagation - fish & corals
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