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  1. A few recent pictures

    Mimic filefish, aka Dyson

    Dyson mimicing Spock

    Helfrichi firefish, the last of three

    Strombus Grazer in the refugium

    Raffle prize at the recent DFWMAS frag swap, possibly ...
  2. Visiting SWFMAS last Saturday

    On April 16, 2011 I attended and spoke at the 4th Annual Reef Conference hosted by the Southwest Florida Marine Aquarium Society. It was located at the Clarion Hotel, providing plenty of space, parking and overall comfort. To start off the day, I was the first speaker and since I was going to talk about sumps and safety, I had to look the part.

    From left to right: Marc Levenson, Vince Rado of AlgaGen, Kevin ...

    Updated 04-19-2011 at 10:51 AM by melev

    Tags: swfmas
    News - local, national, & world
  3. Frags from Florida

    Over the weekend, I had a quick trip to Fort Myers Florida to speak to the SWFMAS club. They coupled the talks with a big frag swap, and I got a little crazy. I came home with two types of Macro Algae, about a dozen SPS, a dozen ricordias, and a giant Gorgonian. Here are all the pictures.

    They were put in quarantine for about 20 hours, then dipped in ReVive for 10 minutes prior to being added to my reef last night.


    Updated 04-18-2011 at 02:52 PM by melev

    New Additions
  4. Day 68: The latest changes

    After having my new fish in quarantine for 10 days with no sign of illness, I decided it was best to move them into my reef tonight. During the QT period, one Chromis died early on, and yesterday one of the Helfrichi firefish was found dead and tattered. Since I'm about to fly out to Florida to speak to a club there, I didn't want to risk it with all those fish in a small water volume and no-one to change the water daily. All the fish were quick to eat at every feeding session, so they can hold ...
    Tank Entry
  5. Remember to clean your skimmer pump(s).

    My Euroreef skimmer has two Eheim 1262 pumps on it. When I have to clean the collection cup, I turn off one pump and leave the other running. I do the same thing if the cup is overflowing, because within the body of the skimmer, foam builds up with all kinds of dreck. Once the cup is clean, I start the second pump and all that stuff is immediately exported.

    Today I did just that, I turned off one pump and noticed how the body of the skimmer was full of water and very little bubbles. ...
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