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  1. A new podcast episode

    There's a new podcast out that I recorded last Thursday. Before you get too amped up, let me clarify: This is with ReefThreads, the show Gary and Christine churn out like clockwork. They requested I join them for their latest episode, and I complied. Does this count as my 10th for RA?

    Episode #79:

    Also, just saw this cross my newsfeed - huge news about detecting cyanide-caught fish is in our future:
  2. An urgent shipment

    I had a customer order a sump in mid-March, and he had to have it by mid-April. He's serving in the military, and was coming home for one week before returning to Afghanistan for four more months. At the time, the time frame was easily met. Then life happened. My tank burst a leak. I got sick with the flu for 10 days. Time passed with my life in crisis, and his sump wasn't getting built, let alone shipped by my own April 10 deadline.

    Last week, when I finally felt better I emailed ...
  3. Day One

    It almost feels wrong counting days of the 215g temporary tank. The 400g ran for just over 13 months when it sprung a leak, and that mental counter was discontinued. In order to fix the tank, it needed to be emptied, and eight days ago I was able to squeeze a loaner aquarium into the fishroom to hold the livestock.

    As soon as everyone left, my cold kicked into overdrive and I ended up trying to will away the flu with all the meds I had on hand. It took a full week to get back on ...
    Tank Entry
  4. The temporary aquarium is here

    With the 400g needing to be repaired or replaced, I had to do something for the current livestock. I called a local fish store that often sells used aquariums, looking for something big enough for my reef. He called me back within minutes letting me know he had a 215g that would work out great.

    It's an interesting story, showing how small this world really is. Many years ago, I ran a BBS (bulletin board system) and one of my friends was a regular visitor. When my computer fried, ...
    Tank Entry