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  1. Need powah!

    Last night some storms blew through Fort Worth, and it rained. We had some hail, but nothing exciting. Around 4 a.m., the power went out. All my UPS (uninterrupted power supplies) chirped and beeped and bugged me, but I figured it would come on again soon. I tried to sleep through it, but then I heard the 215g slurping as it doesn't have anti-siphon holes, and the frag tank drained down about a third as well.

    Rolling out of bed, I closed the ball valves to the pumps and flipped ...
    Tank Entry
  2. Dart pumps, repaired once more

    I like the Sequence Dart pumps, but like anything they too need to be repaired as parts give out over time. I looked at the twin pumps that run 24 hours a day, and was surprised to see salt creep and crusty stuff amassing in their vicinity. Yuck!

    I called up the people at and they shipped me out new seals and four new bearings. When you have the pump pulled part for the seals, it's only a little ...
    Plumbing , ‎ Equipment
  3. Water changes made even easier

    When I set up the 400g, I had plans to make the water changes something less involved. I bought a high-end dual-head dosing machine, with the goal to automate water changes during the night on a regular basis, but I had trust issues with such a device and never got it fully installed.

    Over the past 15 months, when I needed water from the 265g poly tank, I used some spaflex tubing, pointing it into the sump's return zone and then opened a valve to refill what was removed. That section ...
    Tags: uniseal
  4. It's all about the corals, right?

    I came across this video by accident tonight, and had to share it with y'all. What a stunning system, and the camera does excellent macros.

  5. Congrats Brad Syphus!

    Marine Depot just showed one of our members some love today. They are featuring his reef, which you've seen on our site when he has the time to post.

    Here's the page on MD's site:

    And here's the link to his blog on RA:

    Here's the screen shot to save it for eternity.

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