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  1. Dakuwaqa's Garden - Underwater footage from Fiji & Tonga

    Uploaded by bubblevision on Oct 4, 2011

    Underwater footage shot whilst scuba diving in the Fiji islands and Tonga. Featuring colorful coral reefs, huge schools of tropical fish, sharks, humpback whales, underwater caves, scuba divers and much more marine life from the south Pacific.

    This video showed up in my newsfeed on facebook today, and I had to share it with y'all. And if you want to know what's ...
  2. Shipped CUC during July in Texas

    Reefs2go had a special earlier this week, announcing it on the DFWMAS forums since they are a sponsor. The first 50 orders got free shipping (USPS Priority Mail), so I jumped on the deal. For $40, I got ceriths, astreas, margarita snails, nassarius snails,a lettuce nudibranch and some blue leg hermits. The box shipped out Wednesday for a Friday delivery, and the bags felt warm. Too warm to the point I decided to measure it with a thermometer.

    Tags: reefs2go
    New Additions
  3. 400g update from Marineland

    Got a little news from Marineland today. They disassembled the tank today. I'm guessing with what remains to be done (Rebuild, let cure, water test, crate and ship), it'll be about four weeks until the tank returns.

    The 215g did great while I was at Comic Con. The tank sitter said he didn't have to adjust anything during the six days he watched over it, and the Apex never emailed/texted me with out-of-limit notifications. Texas has been hot-n-humid, but the tank never varied more ...
    Tank Entry
  4. July Reef Update

    The 215g continues to do well, which has been plumbed into the main sump since 4/16/12. Wow, already almost three months. Last I heard, Marineland received the crated 400g, but I've not heard anything further.

    So I figured it was time for some eye candy. I've been watching the corals settle in over the past few weeks, and continue to be pleased to see their comeback. Specifically, some SPS have improved, which are my favorite coral.

    Let me start off this this coral. ...
  5. Another big sump gone

    I ship a lot of sumps, but the ones that need to be crated seem to be more important, so I'm sharing.

    This one is made with 3/8" cast acrylic, and is 48" x 24" x 16". It's a tough sump. This is the front of the sump. It will be installed in a basement with the refugium side up against a wall.

    The three zoned sump provides both a skimmer section, a long refugium zone, and a large return ...
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