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Water Chemistry

Test kit results

  1. Get my ammonia down to zero. Finally.

    So the 75 is making progress.

    Here are the details.
    Amonia. 2.4 eek.
    Salinity 1.028 ugh
    Ph. 8.3 haven't had a chance to clock the swing. That will happen tom I'll be home all day.
    Calcium. 480
    Nitrite. .01
    Phosphates. .25
    Iron. .01

    I dosed a double dose of ammonia down. After 3 days of single dozing. I'm using sachem prime water conditioner. It continues to drop slowly. I'm gonna do a water change tom. Only thing is my return ...

    Updated 01-11-2011 at 02:27 PM by melev

    Water Chemistry