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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Slow growth?

    So I've noticed since I restarted this tank which has been almost exactly a year, slow growth. And I am having trouble with LPS all of a sudden. Most of them are receding. I'm wondering if I am running too much light on my system?

    50 3w Leds half royal blue half cool white
    Blue is at 80% intensity
    White 100% intensity
    Run for 8 hrs a bit more if you count the ramp up and down.
    3 inches off the surface with no optics

    Here are also my parameters, ...
  2. Help with Cyano

    Hey guys,

    I thought I would ask for a hand on my battles with cyano. First some background. I have had my 90 AGA tank for 4 years and recently restarted the tank in Feb 2013 due to Bryopsis.

    Total water volume is around 130 gallons, basement sump, Octopus NWB 150, BRS reactor with carbon, TLF Phosban 550 with BRS biopellets. I dose 3 vials each of Prodbio Biodigest and Bioptim every 2 weeks. I have around 100 lbs of marco rock. As for sand I have Tropic Eden Reefflakes. ...
  3. Remote Deep Sand Bed? Lets put this one to bed.

    I call on the Saltwater Gods to come forth and enlighten me with knowledge. Haha.

    So with winter starting to set in, and more than a few empty aquariums laying around I ask the remote deep sand bed question.

    Good or bad, and how many of you reef aholics run them?

    My nitrates stay in the 10-15ppm range.

    A little background,
    90 AGA RR 50 Cree LED's with Apex control 50 gal sump Reef Octo 190 lbs live rock Vortech MP40w Tunze 6045 Blueline ...
  4. How to grow more Coralline algae?

    My tank has been up for over 2 years now and I just cannot get much coralline to grow. Seems like it does ok on the rock but none on the back glass and barely any on the overflow for a tank being this old. Whats the secret to success? Here are my parameters,

    CA 500
    NO3 15
    phos 0
    KH 10
    Salinity 1.025

    I do a 15% W/C every week.
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