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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. parameters question

    Hello fellow addicts! As many of you know I recently did a tank restart so 70% of all my water is new, no additives added, no corals yet, and lots of testing done. Currently I am working on stabilizing my parameters but first I need to get them all where they should be and I am wanting to do sps and lps in this tank so I want to maintain them at the right levels and keep them as rock solid as possible. After 13 days of running I am at:

    Ammonia 0
    Nitrite 0
    Nitrate 0
  2. Thinking of starting over.....any thoughts

    Ok so I have been through a lot with my current tank and set up but I am starting to lose some very hardy corals and as well there are some things and corals I would like to rid my tank of (blue clove polyps, xenia.) My rock I bought "live" but it is not very porous and I think may be leaching some bad into my water as well. So I am thinking about "starting over" and wanted to get some input.

    First off if i do this my equipment and tank would remain the same but ...
  3. what is my branching hammer doing?

    I looked over at my tank just a minute ago and was wondering what I am looking at.

    If you look in the "mouth" of one of the heads you can see some white something in there sorry this is as clear of a close up as I can get. dare I say it almost looks as though my hammer is about to have a spawning event, but that is just a guess as I have never seen this before. they are individual white ...
  4. well, it's been a while and my tank has paid for it :(

    Hey guys, I just thought I would give a quick update since it has been a couple months since my last one. First let me start by saying I have sadly neglected my tank but not because I wanted to but I got a promotion at work then my boss took a vacation meaning I got to do his job (meaning I am typing this on my work break now.) My sps after growing and looking good went into decline browning out, loss of polyps, and in one case rtn (which has stopped at the tips of the coral.)

    I think ...
    Tags: rtn, sps, toxin
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ Random Thoughts
  5. If you have ever kept sps under T5 lighting advice needed

    Well it's me again and again I am having questions about keeping millepora under my lighting. I have had these 4 millepora frags for over a month now and I figured I would slowly acclimate them starting from the bottom up to a higher location in the tank. I have all my brighter colored millepora just under halfway up the tank now but I have a more of a greenish colored one that I can't seem to get off the bottom of the tank. Everytime I moved it up even an inch all of it's polyps retract (I should ...
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