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  1. My Tank is now one month old

    So here I am a month after I started and I am doing good. It started off kind of rough with the loss of a Elbi Angel as well as the mysterious disappearance of a Kohl Tang and a damaged swim bladder on a Fairy wrasse. I honestly think it was the collection method of who ever caught these guys as I got them from the same store at roughly the same time. During that time frame all of my parameters were dead on with nothing that stood out as beeing way off kilter. Right now I have 11 fish and all are ...
  2. Diving in Okinawa

    Well I figured I would at least show everyone where I go to get all of my corals and inhabitants of my tank. The diving here is just amazing and some of the best in the world. Not too many people know about it but we who have had the pleasure of being stationed here get to enjoy this type of diving year round. I hope you all enjoy.

    flower pot

    Bubbletip Anemone