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  1. First Ever Full Blown Aquarium Disease.

    So the last fish inhabitant of my aquarium is about to pass on and after taking a full battery of water parameter test and going with everyone's suggestions on what I thought was a Bristle Worm problem I think the following photographs below would most likely point to some type of water born disease except I'm not expert on marine disease so if you have any thoughts than please chime in. It doesn't seem to affect any of the inverts, clams or corals within the aquarium. Your assistance in advance ...
  2. Bryiopsys Algae Control.

    It looks like the reef keeping gods have decided to test me with as many of the most common problems in starting a marine reef aquarium as possible. Now although I purchase Nutri-SeaWater as my already mixed saltwater I don't have an RO/DI unit (I just purchased one and I am waiting for it to be delivered) so my top off water for evaporation has been coming from my Poland Spring Water Dispenser. No I know bad me for not using RO/DI water from the start but it is what it is. So, this has contributed ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Water Chemistry , ‎ New Additions
  3. Bryopsis Algae Control Update.

    So it has been a few weeks since I have had some time to update everyone on my Bryopsis Algae issues that popped in up about 3 weeks ago. But I am happy to report that within a week of adding my team of three Mexican Turbo Snails and two Lettuce Nudibrachs their is no trace of the Bryopsis Algae at all and I have had to start supplementing my cleanup crews diet with dried seaweed sheets almost nightly because their appetite is so voracious. But I would rather than then further algae problems. ...
    Tank Entry