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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. how long to keep my lights on

    Hey everyone Im having a problem with alge in my tank and i think it my have something to do with how long i have my lights on.

    I have the marinland reef led lights and i have them running from 10am till 11 pm.

    Is this ok or am i keeping them on to long causing alge?
  2. make up water

    since starting my 125 gallon reef tank with 25 gallon fuge i have been adding aprox 2.5 gallons of make up water per day. There seems to be high humidity in my house so I bought a dehumidifier. Ironically it pulls about 2 gallons of water per day out of the air in the room. My question is "can I use the condensed water as makeup water? It must be pure water. Thanks Kitch
  3. Firefish...

    I just added a common firefish to my tank. What can I expect in terms of behavior and habits?
    So far it's just been hanging out in front of a flow pump. I'm just glad it hasn't jumped out...
    It's eating well and not fighting. Do they adapt well to reef tanks...?
  4. looking for some suggestion for content

    I have been trying to get a club going locally as the closest one to my area is pittsburg and is a 2 1/2 hour ride. So before I start putting out flier in the lfs in the surrounding towns I have been working up a club web site. This is my first web site I have ever worked on and have scraped 2 before what I have come up with now, Not being able to find a template that worked for what I was try to accomplish it has turned into a hand coding nightmare for me over the last 2 months. I know this isnt ...

    Updated 10-30-2011 at 11:50 AM by DJ in WV

    Tags: club website
    Questions - Need some input
  5. Brightwell Aquatics Magnesion-P Magnesium Supplement.

    I have been testing my Calcium and Alkalinity levels recently and the numbers just did not sit right with me. So I purchased an Elos Magnesium test kit so I could check my Magnesium level as that is where I believe the culprit lies. Sure enough my Magnesium level was 1200ppm which is about 150ppm below where I would like it to be. So I purchased from Brightwell Aquatics Magnesion-P Magnesium Supplement that I could mix myself and dose into my aquarium.

    Now according to the ...
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