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Propagation - fish & corals

Propagation techniques and results

  1. Ever have a fish die for no reason?

    For the last two days I've been sick and my normal standing in front of the tank for hours has been reduced. I just fed the tank, cleaned the glass and went back to the couch. Today I was feeling better and spent some time after feeding and I noticed my Royal Gramma didn't eat, come to think of it I hadn't see him the last two days. So I started looking and found him dead under a rock, as soon as I moved the rock he floated to the surface. I've had him two years and the previous owner had had ...
  2. Baby Hammer Found

    We found a baby Hammer coral attached and growing on a rock in our tank. It was discovered after we removed the mother colony which was sold this past weekend.

    It is in the center of these pictures.

    It is the size of a little finger nail.
  3. Ways to get rid of majano and aiptasia

    All reefers that have bought live rock it’s only natural for the rocks to come with aiptasia or majono anemones. I have used most products and creatures out there to rid of the pest and the ones I haven’t used or tried I have done enough research to gather the odds and ends of them. But some reefers don’t even know what they look like at as the majono looks more appealing then some coral we buy! I am going to give a quick list that worked for me and a little description on what they look like and ...

    Updated 07-25-2010 at 08:14 PM by mro2you2

    Propagation - fish & corals
  4. Kenya Tree Coral Question!

    When Kenya Tree coral multiply, how do they do it? Split apart to make two or drop baby seeds, how?

    Thanks, I want to know so I can have proper placement in tank.

  5. Nassarius Snail babies!!!

    On my way from my office to my bedroom I decided to check out my tank one last time before putting some laundry away. As I was looking at some amphipods that were scurrying around my zoanthids I noticed something moving in the sand. I have baby nassarius snails!!!!!!!! I posted a while back about my nassariuses laying eggs on the glass, and I always assumed that my fish ate them. I guess now that my tank has been fishless for over a month that they are no longer food and have been growing in ...

    Updated 07-12-2010 at 09:30 AM by MarcG

    Propagation - fish & corals , ‎ Photography/Video
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