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Propagation - fish & corals

Propagation techniques and results

  1. I totally didn't see them

    One of my friends came over today to pick up his critters from the Keys Critters group buy, and spotted a mass of eggs flowing in the water. I hadn't noticed them, and if I had I would have assumed it was some white sponge, but he's obviously right. I'm guessing Chromis eggs, but really have no idea. Neat find, right?

    Tags: eggs
    Propagation - fish & corals
  2. Cowrie laying eggs

    I've had this cowrie for a few years now, but today I saw something I'd not seen before. It seems to be laying eggs. It was mostly on the glass, but leaning on the cleaning magnet in the upper left corner of the tank.

    This is a heavily contrasted image to ...
  3. Pajama Cardinalfish eggs

    I've had a group of five Pajama Cardinal fish in my reef now for about 9 months, I believe. They don't move about much, but at night they seem to be on the prowl. These are nocturnal fish, not unlike Bengaii Cardinalfish (wiki: ).

    The difference between the males and the females is the shape of the jawline. The males have a dump-truck like jaw, and can carry babies in their mouth until they are ready to release. I've been watching ...
  4. Fungia multiplying

    My fungia looks to have 3 or 4 babies growing on it. What is the best way to separate them from the mother???
  5. Nextwave preview !!!

    Gonna be bringing some of these to the swap next Saturday.

    Let me know if you would like to preorder any of these





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